Kanjani8 no Janiben is a Japanese TV show hosted by the members of the group Kanjani8. The show began airing on May 2, 2007, and is broadcast every Wednesday night on Kansai TV from 0:35 AM to 1:30 AM.
The Writers' Room, hosted by Academy Award winning writer, Jim Rash, is all about the most innovative voices in TV today. Join us every week for a frank and revealing conversation about what we all love: television! With shocking and sometimes hilariously candid conversations, The Writers' Room gives you a never-before-seen window into your favorite shows.
Piers presents his unmissable verdict on the day’s global events with an hour of fearless debate, straight-talking interviews with the world's leading figures, and plenty of fun.
Masato Sakai gives a speech on the theme "XX ruins love" in the setting of a speech meeting by the leader of the political party "Love New Party". During the speeches, the offstage first secretary of Sakai's party, Tsukaji Muga, interjects a few quips and criticisms.