Sedato is a musical mystery-based game show hosted by Mohsen Kiyayi with a different appearance than usual. Familiar faces such as Shabnam Moghaddami, Muhammad Bahrani, Mohsen Sharifian, and AmirMahdi Zhuleh are going to assist the competitors. The musical and mysterious nature of the show will bring about exciting and unprecedented events for the audience and the people present at the show. The variety of Iranian and eastern music in Sedato makes it possible for the audience to face a new design and color of accent. The series of Sedato, directed by Hamed Javadzadeh , produced in 2023 by Hamed Javadzadeh. The stars of the movie are Mohsen Kiayee، Shabnam Moghadami، Mohammad Bahrani، Mohsen Sharifian and Amir Mahdi Zhoole.
Viewers are invited to exercise with various celebrities known to love exercising. These celebrities motivate the audience, utilizing their know-how to manage not only the bodies of the participants, but also their mental health.
At the KebyKe Restaurant, run by owner Lee Su Ji, chefs Chaehyun, Xiaoting, and Mashiro cook delicious meals tailored to their guests and to varying levels of success.
Stossel is a weekly American talk show, hosted by John Stossel, highlighting current consumer issues with a libertarian viewpoint. The television program debuted on December 10, 2009, on the Fox Business Network and airs Thursdays. It originally aired at 8:00 pm EST, but was moved to 9:00 pm EST, the time slot during which it currently airs. In 2013, Fox News Channel began to replay the show on Sundays at 10:00 pm EST.
While working as a staff writer on The Red Skelton Show, local Los Angeles television comedian Carson filled in as host when Skelton was injured during a show rehearsal. As a result of Carson’s performance, CBS created the primetime variety program: The Johnny Carson Show, a traditional potpourri of comedy, music, dance, skits and monologues.
The short-lived 1955-56 series served as a precursor of what would come later for Carson, planting the seeds for sketches he would perform on the later The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson such as "Mighty Carson Art Players".
Stay there - a show of intellectual satire, started by journalist Andrius Tapinas. This release has been available since 2016. September 11 appears on the Freedom TV channel on Youtube. The show is also broadcast on Init and Balticum regional televisions. From 2019 On July 6, the program created by Laisvės TV (also "Keep There") started broadcasting on Lietuvos Rytas television.