A late-night talk show hosted by Mexican actor, comedian and singer, Omar Chaparro. Every night is filled with the show’s very own style of humor, trademarked drinking games and contests, and heart-to-heart interviews with the biggest stars in Latin entertainment, and live music to close out every episode.
Paul and members of the studio audience ask celebrity guests intriguing questions, scenarios and dilemmas. The guests then line-up in order of how they would answer the question from best to worst, most likely to least likely etc.
The show is a series of interviews between Josélito Michaud and guests aboard the Orford Express, the train traveling between Magog and Sherbrooke (in Quebec, Canada). Having experienced a significant event (bereavement, illness, accident, etc.), the guests share the way they have turned the page or given new meaning to their lives.
Jee Seok Jin, who greatly appreciates memories; Kim Jong Min, who loves stories, and Lee Yi Kyung, a tteokbokki lover, decided to work together. The three brothers listen to the stories of their guests while cooking sweet and spicy tteokbokki. Kim Jong Min comments and sympathizes with the stories, but also makes everyone laugh with his kitchen antics. Get ready to discover how these three brothers, with their unique abilities, will create a magical combination to keep you entertained. And don't forget to check out the stories the guests tell the three brothers!
NatGeo meets America's Funniest Home Videos in an unlikely marriage that produces hilarious pets, awesome wildlife, and everything in between. From the backyard to the savannah, we spend time with animals that make us laugh, gasp, and smile, providing us a unique mix of humor and wonder…all hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro.