Day Day Up is a popular Chinese talk show broadcast on Hunan Television. The show is co-hosted by Wang Han, Da Zhang Wei, and Wang Yibo. It has drawn great attention from the public especially student groups and other young people for its humor, style, and public figures who appear as guests.
After the 2021 rebranding, the show, hosted by Wang Han and occasionally by Da Zhang Wei and Wang Yi Bo, primarily features Chinese heritage and culture.
Big Brother: After Dark was an uncensored, uncut live feed from the American Big Brother House while broadcast on Showtime2. The program debuted on July 5, 2007 as a companion show since Big Brother 8 and it aired on Showtime 2 in the United States and Slice in Canada.
The program was the only first-run original program produced specifically for any of Showtime's seven multiplex channels.
On May 29, 2013, it was announced that Big Brother: After Dark will move to TVGN beginning on June 26. While it was promoted by TVGN as remaining uncensored as it was on Showtime 2, on TVGN "Big Brother: After Dark" is now rated TV14 and censored for language by muting of the audio.. The network says that nine words and nudity will be censored from the show, though some profanity still goes through. The broadcast airs uncensored over Slice in Canada.
A version of this program was also developed as a companion series to Big Brother Canada on Slice.
Acclaimed comedian and master carpenter Adam Carolla builds stuff with some of his big name Hollywood friends. He also tackles home improvement projects via social media, making us laugh the whole way. Since the show is live, anything could happen.
Breakfast Television, also known as BT, is a Canadian morning news and entertainment program produced by CITY-DT. The program airs from 5:30 a.m. until 9 a.m. ET each weekday, except holidays. Since October 3, 2011, it is also simulcast on cable-exclusive CityNews Channel, with a half-hour extension aired exclusively on the channel that runs from 9-9:30 a.m.
Four other Citytv owned-and-operated stations use the name and the format, creating content relevant to their own local audiences. A stations produced their own similar morning shows under the name A Morning, although due to budget cuts, many of them have been canceled as of 2009.
BT tends to be more relaxed and spontaneous than American morning shows. Unlike American morning shows, it does not have pre-taped segments that are focused on current events or socio-political issues. The guests tend to be more human interest, informational, and promotional in nature and there is less of a focus on celebrities.