Morgan Spurlock's New Britannia is a British satirical entertainment series and talk show hosted by American documentary maker and television presenter Morgan Spurlock. The series takes a comedic look at the differences between British and American culture, focusing on a number of key areas including food, sport, class and fame. Each episode he is joined by a selection of guests from both sides of the Atlantic who offer their input on the subject.
The series debuted on Sky Atlantic and Sky Atlantic HD on 2 April 2012, after Game of Thrones. The first series ran for 10 episodes.
The program is a humanistic interview program focusing on celebrities' stories of exploring their talents and loves and finding themselves as teenagers and young adults. Through interviews, documentaries and intergenerational Q&A, interlocutor Chen Xiaonan showcases the experiences of celebrities in various fields as they search for their talents and loves during their youth, opening the eyes of viewers and providing diverse samples of their growth. This season's guests include Luo Xiang, Chen Pei, Dong Chengpeng and Luo Yonghao.
Covering the 2018 midterm elections, podcast hosts Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, Dan Pfeiffer and Jon Lovett bring a “no bullsh*t conversation about politics” to the campaign trail in a four-part special.
Gayle King and Charles Barkley in freewheeling and authentic conversations centered around the week's most interesting stories, moments and cultural themes.
Marking the long-awaited reopening of indoor arts venues, the series explores the vibrant arts scene in Quebec, French-speaking Canada and abroad through a weekly roundup of noteworthy openings and events. Filmed entirely on location at a different venue each week, the cultural magazine goes straight to where creation takes place, capturing the effervescence, excitement and reflection that are part of the creative process. Hosts Benoit McGinnis and Sophie Fouron are joined by well-known arts reporters and critics as they look into literature, the visual arts, music, cinema, dance, theatre, architecture, poetry and more.
College Football Live is a show that airs weekdays during the college football season on ESPN or ESPN2, and ESPNU. Its premiere was on Monday, July 23, 2007. Wendi Nix serves as the lead host, and it also features ESPN college football analysts Desmond Howard, Joey Galloway, David Pollack, Trevor Matich and others. College Football Live also features Live interviews with college coaches and players.
"People Are Talking" is a show that airs locally on CBS affiliate WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Maryland. The show began in August 1978 with Oprah Winfrey and Richard Sher as the original co-hosts. Oprah was co-host from 1978 to 1983, and Richard co-hosted for several years beyond that.
Sofie Lemaire and Bent Van Looy take an open, eager and curious look at culture and cultural events. Culture in the broadest sense of the word, live from the heart of Antwerp, Belgium with weekly guests from home and abroad, concerts and performances.