The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet was an American syndicated morning talk show. Produced by Fox, the show first aired on January 22, 2007 to a number of markets originally through Fox and MyNetworkTV, most in the Fox Television Stations Group. Hosted by Mike Jerrick and Juliet Huddy, the program consisted of celebrity interviews, audience participation, and segments relating to viewers. The last live show aired on June 12, 2009, with reruns continuing through until September 2009.
Dr. Siri Sat Sam Singh sits down to speak with musicians from the world of rap, rock, pop, dancehall and EDM to discover what lies beneath their public personas.
Geoff and real-life wife Griffon talk about modern relationships and what love is in 2017. Relationship Goals is relationship real-talk (with a pinch of sass).
Four friends, the actors Xosé A. Touriñán and David Perdomo, and the actresses Fátima Pego and Noemí Rodríguez meet in a bar where they talk about life, their personal experiences and worries. Each of them will remember an anecdote that gives way to sketches, in which the four friends play different characters. Comedy is present at all times in this format that mixes social gatherings and comic sketches and in which the spontaneity of each of the participants comes first.
Are we living in some form of holographic simulation created by higher intelligence? Could this higher intelligence be Extraterrestrial or Extra-Dimensional? In his ongoing docu-series filmmaker Reuben Langdon interviews alien, or “extra-dimensional” intelligence, through the everyday human beings that are channeling or in contact with them. In each episode we get to know a channel or contactee along with the particular being or group of beings they are connecting with. The series seeks to answer the questions people have been asking since the dawn of time. Join Reuben as he Interviews Extra-Dimensionals and gains other-worldly perspective on who we are, why we’re here, and just where we might be going.
Mad Cook Show is a smart and witty food show by mad chefs Riku Rantala and Tunna Milonoff, that invites Finland's most interesting guests to their table to eat, drink and chat - with a guaranteed Madventures twist.