Morgan Spurlock's New Britannia is a British satirical entertainment series and talk show hosted by American documentary maker and television presenter Morgan Spurlock. The series takes a comedic look at the differences between British and American culture, focusing on a number of key areas including food, sport, class and fame. Each episode he is joined by a selection of guests from both sides of the Atlantic who offer their input on the subject.
The series debuted on Sky Atlantic and Sky Atlantic HD on 2 April 2012, after Game of Thrones. The first series ran for 10 episodes.
Ever wonder what it’s like to be given exclusive access to some of the industry’s most craved events? Our newest show, “Send Foodz,” definitely has you covered, hosted by your favorite comedians, foodies, and world-renowned YouTube influencers, Timothy DeLaGhetto and David So. We travel around the US to different food festivals and sample all the best bites and sips the country has to offer. Don’t miss out on any of the fun!
RJ City and Renee Paquette look to prove we've been watching wrestling wrong as they look to break bread and break tables with some of the biggest names in AEW!
MAGAZINE - Sherlock Holmes, Commissioner Maigret, Nero Wolfe, Father Brown, Philo Vance: the writers Massimo Carlotto, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Giampaolo Simi and Valerio Varesi tell the great classic detectives in the Rai dramas - by AAVV 2020 ITA
Can you believe that Masoud Frosti loves an animation? Is that as much as his love for Alfred Hitchcock's works? In the first episode of the "Eid HD" program, Masoud Frosti sat down with Amir Hossein Qalazi and left all the compliments aside and frankly confirmed some of the things that are said about his critics.