"The Dini Petty Show," a Canadian daytime TV talk show aired from 1989 to 1999 on Baton Broadcasting System-affiliated stations, originating from Toronto's CFTO-TV, the BBS flagship station. Hosted by Dini Petty, it combined lifestyle features and interviews with celebrities. Petty, a Toronto-based host, moved from CITY-TV's CityLine to lead the show. Directed by Randy Gulliver, it captured 1990s Canadian pop culture with diverse interviews, undergoing redevelopment in late 1994. By 1999, Petty opted to film only intro/outro segments, airing repackaged retrospective content instead of new material. In 2000, Dini Petty's contract with CTV concluded, prompting a legal resolution that granted her ownership of the original broadcast tapes from The Dini Petty Show. Her decision to donate these tapes to the Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections at York University occurred in 2010.
The Mentalist show is a collection of unique and exciting moments of the presence of the famous "mentalist", Saeed Fathi rowshan, among people. In this collection, you are going to see things that blows your mind
Opinions is a British talk programme broadcast on Channel 4 television in the 1980s and 1990s. According to Time magazine, Opinions gave "a public figure 30-minutes of airtime each week to expound on a controversial topic ". "A speaker could express his or her own views straight to camera for 30 minutes", "an earnest of Channel 4's faith and mission to bring edgy, alternative fare to the public and to excite reaction". "Individuals like the novelist Salman Rushdie and the historian EP Thompson each spoke to the camera for half an hour on a subject that interested them".
Parents do that by trial and error. Some do it like their own parents, others with the advice of a help book or just on gut feeling. In the new 'The Wonder Years', Siska Schoeters and Dieter Coppens, together with experts, are looking for an answer to the many questions that parents have.
It includes different and entertaining segments that are held between two groups of well-known faces. Each group consists of a leader and a sibling who must be well-acquainted with each other's moral qualities so that they can overcome the various challenges of the competition and reach the final prize.
Moreish TV is a UK based entertainment chat show with guests from the world of music, TV and film and is hosted by Z and Saffire, created by Craig and Debbie Stephens
Meet Ricky Gervais is a chat show written and hosted by the comedy writer and performer Ricky Gervais. It was produced by Talkback for Channel 4 in 2000 and ran for one series on Friday nights.
The show aired throughout the time Ricky Gervais was also co-writing the first series of the highly successful The Office for BBC2.