Satirical television program aired from November 4 to December 18, 2002. The transmission was intended to shed light on a case (of course fantasy) of a missing person, Mario Scafroglia. The hypothesis was that the man had voluntarily lost track of himself, which offered in each episode new food for thought to deepen in a satirical way themes of current affairs, politics and costume, in an attempt to understand the reasons that had driven Scafroglia to flee.
Kazlaser takes viewers on a transformative journey, leading them to discover potentially life-changing new knowledge. The program features invited guests who explain the intricate topics, breaking them down into understandable explanations.
Join host and comedian Maria Bamford as she talks candidly with fellow comedians and artists about their experiences with mental health, past or present.
Marina Summers is back for a Mother-tucking Show! 🎬💫✨
Your new favorite Drag Race Philippines Recap show “The Stop Over” is premiering tomorrow, August 5, at 6pm! The time has come for us to kiki and talk about the latest chismis of @dragraceph Season 2 hosted by your Filipina Diva, Marina Summers, featuring your favorite Drag Queens from the Drag Race Multiverse! 👸🌌💫
Join RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 8 Winner Jimbo as she clowns around in her own special studio - interviewing esteemed guests, playing out-of-this-world games, and taking it to the streets of Hollywood. Grab a front row seat into the mind of the world’s first self-proclaimed Drag Clown. It’s My Special Show!
A Swahili show hosted by Josephs Quartzy talks about how the world changed over time, discusses matters shook the world, history, past fantasies also hints little facts about the spiritual world. The show premiered the late 2019 distributed by Bongo Times Now (BTN)
Despite having the same mother, Alaska Thunderfuck, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 2, and her straight brother Cory Binney couldn’t be less similar. In fact they may as well be from different planets! This hilarious pair of polar opposites tackle new topics such as sex ed, parenting and spilling the T on All Stars 2.