The RuPaul Show is an American talk/variety show that premiered on VH1 in 1996. Hosted by drag performer, RuPaul, the show had many famous musical guests and was notable as being one of the first national television programs in the United States hosted by an openly gay host. Former singer turned radio personality, Michelle Visage was the show's co-host.
Football never leaves the spectator calm, either sad or happy. Behind every simple picture that causes sadness or joy, there is always a bigger and deeper story. This program tries to reveal the hidden part of the picture and the real causes of feelings .. Why do we rejoice and why do we grieve .. Really!
Walter Schumacher and his team help homes and businesses with honeybee infestations. Honeybees are vital to the eco-system, so it is vital that they are extracted and re-homed safely.
The late Hong Kong lyricist, James Wong, invited influential guests to discuss various themes, with rich content including related reports, to explore the changing social and lifestyle patterns in Hong Kong. The program aims to enrich the audience's knowledge and understanding of the local culture and bring them closer to this land.
Tropes vs. Women in Video Games aims to examine limiting, sexist patterns associated with female representations in games, and to illuminate how these patterns reinforce and perpetuate harmful attitudes about women in our culture.
Kreskin, also known as The Amazing Kreskin, is an American mentalist who entertained studio audiences with this TV series from 1975 to 1977. It was broadcast throughout Canada on CTV and distributed in syndication in the US. The series was produced at the studios of CFTO-TV in Toronto.
The B+ Show is an Egyptian satirical news show created by Bassem Youssef. The program was uploaded to his YouTube Channel and gained more than five million views in the first three months alone. It was shot in Youssef's laundry room using a table, a chair, one camera, and a mural of amateur photos from Tahrir Square that cost $100. Youssef used social media to showcase his talent and his show gave a voice to the millions of Egyptians who were seething with anger from the traditional media's coverage of the Egyptian Revolution.