"Bled Music" is an Algerian musical television program broadcast on ENTV between 1991 and 1992. directed by Aziz Smati and presented by Kamel Dynamite, Farid Rockeur and Samia Benkherroubi. The show, with its irreverent tone, was very popular and had a significant impact on the Algerian music scene, allowing the emergence of many artists including Chaba Fadela, Cheb Sahraoui, Cheb Anouar and Mohamed Lamine. A ranking of music videos by popularity and relied on fans sending their votes by mail. At the end of the 1980s, unrest broke out in Algeria which led the country into a Black Decade. At this time, fundamentalist groups attempted to ban music and most other forms of artistic expression. The show continued to air despite death threats, but on February 14, 1994, Aziz Smati was shot in both legs by a young extremist, which ultimately led to the end of the show .
As the Chinese New Year approaches in 2022, Dou Wentao continues his consistent "Dou-style chatting" style, bringing you a different taste of the cultural year.
The program sees controversial radio broadcaster, Stan Zemanek, matching wits with a panel of beauties including Belinda Green, Jeanne Little, Johanna Griggs, Julia Morris, Donna Gubbay, Lisa Wilkinson, Prue MacSween, Maureen Duval and Ita Buttrose. When they are not tearing strips off each other in the battle to have their opinion heard, Stan and his panel offer sound advice to viewers seeking answers to life's toughest questions. The opinions and the advice offered are as diverse as the guests, and no topic is taboo.
Fox & Friends is an early-morning opinion talk show that begins at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time with the latest Fox News Live headlines and news of the morning. It continues with a variety of segments including interviews, updates of news stories with correspondents, analysis from the hosts, and entertainment segments. The show has a list of regular contributors, including Dr. Manny Alvarez, presenting his health segments "Ask Dr. Manny" and "Dr. Manny's Healthbeat."
Documentary series about black people and their culture. Season 1 was strictly a talk-show hosted by Vincent Byakika and John Zulu. In season 2 the two hosts travel through the US, looking up actors from the blaxploitation era, and various other semi-famous black people.
Rob King is your biggest fan. No, not yours. (Sorry). Hes the biggest fan of every random celebrity that happens to be passing through the Above Average offices. (Short Form Series)