"Covenant and Conflict" is a thought-provoking podcast produced by the "Gateway Center for Israel" and hosted by Nic Lesmeister and David Blease, where ancient biblical truths meet contemporary issues head-on. Each episode offers a deep dive into complex and often divisive topics with subject matter experts, aiming to explore the intersection of covenantal values and modern debates. Instead of fostering division, this podcast seeks to model respectful engagement and peaceful discourse amidst conflict.
Special Report with Bret Baier is an American television news and political commentary program appearing on Fox News Channel, currently hosted by Bret Baier. It airs live each Monday through Friday at 6:00pm ET. The show focuses on both reporting and analysis of the day's events, with a primary focus on national political news. The show has been a part of the Fox News program lineup since 1998 and is the number one cable news broadcast in its time slot.
Brit Hume hosted the show from its debut in 1996 until his retirement in December 2008. He has since appeared on the program as a panelist commentator.
Sawako no Asa (Sawako's Morning) is a witty talk show hosted by Sawako Agawa – a brilliant conversationalist who talks about a variety of topics with a multitude of celebrities.
Doctor, Doctor is a live talk show broadcast on British television on Five hosted by the presenters Mark Porter and Raj Persaud. It is made by Princess Productions.
The television program comprises several educational sections to present medical and health information in slightly different formats to match different supporting resources. It includes a presentation on a common illness or conditions with audiovisual aids, an interview with a guest celebrity who talk about an illness that they have suffered from, discussion between the presenters and a guest medical expert to give added insight to a selected medical topic, and a live phone-in when the television doctors answer viewers telephone questions and a few email questions.