Donny & Marie is an American talk show hosted by Donny and Marie Osmond, that aired in syndication from September 1998 to May 2000 and was produced by Dick Clark. The show had a "house band", featuring Jerry Williams, Kat Dyson, Paul Peterson, and Nick Vincent.
Kids Say the Funniest Things was a Comedy show in the United Kingdom based on the United States show Kids Say the Darndest Things, produced by LWT for ITV from 27 December 1998 to 1 October 2000. A third series was recorded in 2001, but never aired because of the revelations surrounding Stuart Lubbock's death at Barrymore's home.
Hugo Sánchez presents the biggest stories in the world of sports with great personalities of Mexico. A series of interviews where memories are shared and spicy subjects are discussed in conversations that are only shared between champions.
Examining the high stakes surrounding key issues affecting communities across America, cutting through the political noise with compelling, in-depth and unique viewpoints.