It is a Spanish documentary program with a humorous theme, directed by Alberto Utrera and presented by the actor and comedian Goyo Jiménez. It premiered on April 6, 2021.
Two leading entertainers casually get together for some real talk, shedding light on their vulnerabilities and worries, with lots of laughs along the way.
Between infotainment and variety, a good morning with Fiorello and Biggio. At the center are the news, the events that happened and those that will happen, commented in an ironic and pungent style but always with lightness and good humor. A condensation of moments of variety, with a high rhythm: music, songs, ballets, duets, gags with guests and playmates, a cast in constant evolution that, day after day, will always see new protagonists. Unusual fifths of the show are via Asiago 10 (in the first season) and Foro Italico (in the second season) and the expected glass, a studio with transparent walls.
An entertainment television show presented by Welsh singer Charlotte Church. Each episode begins with a "theme tune" which always has the same melody and harmony, but is always in a unique style. In the verse, Church sings about current events and gossip, and the chorus is simply "This is my lovely theme tune, it goes on and on."