A black comedy show in which four comedians listen to a story from the life of a celebrity and try to guess its ending, while using all sorts of jokes and obscene language, sometimes bordering on insults to the guest.
Follow Sarah Silverman as she looks to connect with people who may not agree with her personal opinions through honesty, humor, genuine interest in others and not taking herself too seriously. She feels that now more than ever it's crucial to connect with un-like-minded people.
A story about a juvenile inspector who was left by his wife and now is raising a teenage daughter alone. In order to establish a better relationship with her, he decides to stalk her using a social media account that actually belongs to a young man he has been working with. This ‘fathers and sons’ story about today’s teenagers and the midlife crisis.
Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero improvise in response to questions the audience send in. A programme based on the comedy chemistry between two friends, their own experiences and, above all, absolute ignorance.
Famous comedians and funny experts meet in a duel where they try to outdo each other with astounding facts. Host is Johan Wester. Based on the hit British program QI.
About the program: A conversation-oriented and different program that takes you to a journey deep into human experiences and the world of books, movies, music, etc. By inviting distinguished guests from the world of art, literature, philosophy, poetry, science, sports, etc., this program deals with the influential moments of life. Here in the present life is a little bit of yesterday, a little bit of tomorrow and a lot of today...