Caro maestro is an Italian television comedy series which aired from 1996 to 1997 on Canale 5. The series follows Stefano Giusti, a bus driver who is allowed to teach at Forte dei Marmi elementary school in which he was raised. There, he meets and falls in love with Elisa, teacher and director of the school, with whom he used to date.
Simply Baatien With Raveena is an interactive talk/chat show produced by Urban Brew Studios and hosted by Raveena Tandon. The show started airing on 7 September 2014 on Sony Pal. Raveena interacts with celebrities to discuss topics relating to womanhood
With Barracuda, Daniele Luttazzi imported for the first time in Italy the TV genre of the "Late Show" created in the United States in the fifties by the presenter Steve Allen). In each episode, Luttazzi interviewed in the studio various personalities from the world of entertainment, cinema, music, politics and journalism. The program, in addition to an opening satirical monologue, also included comedy sketches with guests and humorous columns.
Into My Playlist is a music variety talk show. This is a music program produced by A2Z ENTERTAINMENT and broadcast for the first time on ENA. It will be a fun and exciting time with catchy songs.
Masato Sakai gives a speech on the theme "XX ruins love" in the setting of a speech meeting by the leader of the political party "Love New Party". During the speeches, the offstage first secretary of Sakai's party, Tsukaji Muga, interjects a few quips and criticisms.