Synopsis: In this program, actors and well-known figures in groups of four invite their friends to their homes for dinner and a friendly gathering. The host tries to surprise his guests by performing a special program or inviting another guest. At the end of each night, guests give points to their host for dinner and reception. At the end of four nights, one person will be chosen as the best host...
A two-part reunion show with cast members from the final season including Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Sophie Turner and more, as well as previously departed fan-favorites like Sean Bean, Jason Momoa, Mark Addy and others.
Taking back the ritual of food as a space for conversation and different points of view, actor and filmmaker Diego Luna moderates conversations that unites experts and different personalities to touch on fundamental topics of universal interest in contemporary societies, accompanied by the menus of well-known Mexican chefs.
Every day we have new interesting guests and the most relevant topics. We stream and discuss important issues with guests. We tell you how to perceive the news correctly so that you do not panic and live in pleasure. We tell you how to perceive the story correctly so that you cannot be misled. We invite the most competent and interesting interlocutors especially for this.
Viewers are invited to exercise with various celebrities known to love exercising. These celebrities motivate the audience, utilizing their know-how to manage not only the bodies of the participants, but also their mental health.
Celebrating the movers and shakers of the Australian music scene, showcasing some of the country's best musicians with exclusive live performances and interviews.
A series of physical, intellectual, emotional or psychological tests will test anonymous competitors, 24/7. In the end, only one will be victorious. Everything can change... At any time... When you least expect it!