Sweet and Sour was an Australian television series that screened on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 1984. It was created by Tim Gooding and Johanna Pigott and was produced internally for the ABC by Jan Chapman.
The main storyline of the series followed the efforts of a fictional band, The Takeaways, to break into the Sydney music scene. "The Takeaways have so far eluded commercial success. However, negotiations are presently underway for the band to sell their story to a prominent TV station, and really clean up."
Direct from Leeds, Steph McGovern presents her live lunchtime show featuring celebrity guests, fantastic food and the best entertainment, lifestyle and consumer stories making the headlines.
McInnes is the creator of Vice Media, he was most recently the host of the podcast “Free Speech.” Known to many as “the Godfather of hipsterdom,” his obsession with the first Amendment blows up the Internet on a regular basis. The Gavin McInnes Show will air weekly on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 PM on http://AnthonyCumia.com