This series tells the story of the POWs who returned from captivity in Egypt and Syria, cut off from their families, directly to an interrogation facility in Israel, where they underwent harsh interrogations in which they were accused of giving away information to the enemy and even suspected of having defected.
Over 200 fighters were captured by the Egyptians and severely tortured. Another 70 fighters were captured by the Syrians in battles over the Hermon outpost and the Golan Heights outposts. They returned home at the end of the war, but when they returned to their families, they were called to an interrogation facility in Zichron Yaacov.
Today, they are trying to overcome double traumas: the horrors of war, captivity and torture on the one hand, and the interrogations that have taken place here in Israel on the other, and are trying to overcome what they define as "the state's betrayal of them."
Witness the Vietnam War, its roots, its battles, its heroes and the price paid in the name of freedom. This stunning, detailed collection shows the war with heartbreaking realism. It looks at troubling questions about America's Justification for the conflict, the horrors of jungle warfare and the human calamity of the war. Ultimately, it profiles the courage of the soldiers who put their lives on the line in the name of patriotism.
Fighting Forces Vietname is the most comprehensive documentary series ever produced about military units deployed in the Vietnam War, the largest war in U.S history. Altogether, 140 Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine units from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and the Philippines are discussed. This extraordinary series produced with the official cooperation of the U.S Army and U.S National Archive, features 12 hours of rare, recently (2009) declassified film footage, making this the ultimate Vietnam War collection.
Beneath the big marquee names of WWII was the magnificent layer of heroes who performed with enormous valour but made few headlines - this is their story.
A comprehensive timeline of events following the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014. Hundreds of various sources are presented chronologically, without commentary and in context, allowing the viewer to adequately interpret the information themselves.
A history of World War II film from the onset of the war, during wartime, to modern day. Despite the dangers of World War II, cinema attendance actually rose during the war years, as the public looked for any chance to escape the harsh realities of the time. Long after the war’s end, directors continue to return to the subject, bringing the horrors and heroism of conflict to the big screen.
When American troops started their final invasion of Nazi Germany in February 1945, cameramen were at their side and complied over a thousand reels covering 12 weeks in Germany until the ultimate collapse of the Third Reich including stories on the road from the Bulge over the Remagen Bridge to the Eagle’s Nest. Michael Kloft has selected the most striking scenes for his two-part documentary.
The Normandy landings of 1944 were pivotal to the outcome of WW2. Discover when Churchill and Roosevelt first proposed the operation and how preparations started, finishing with the key events of D-Day and the far-reaching effects of its outcome.