G.I. Joe: Resolute is an animated television series based on the G.I. Joe franchise. It was written by Warren Ellis, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, and produced by Sam Register. The series debuted on the web at Adult Swim Video April 18, 2009, with a Content Rating of TV-14-V, and premiered in its entirety on air on Canadian television network Teletoon on April 24, 2009. In the United States, the series aired on Adult Swim April 26, 2009. Resolute departs from recent depictions of futuristic technology, adopting a more realistic aesthetic. The series has been described as a more "mature" take on the franchise. The film uses elements from both the cartoons and the comics, and is described by Warren Ellis as a "fusion".
During the years of the Spanish Reconquest, Manuel Rodríguez is a wanted man in Chile. His head already has a price and he's considered a legend among many. But it's his love for Francisca, a noble woman, what will make him take all kinds of risks, regardless of the differences that separate them. From then on, Rodríguez will fight both for the freedom of his homeland and for the love of his life, Francisca.
The deliciously upbeat Aerobics Project brings together a delightful concoction of disco music, female empowerment… and spies! The feel-good series swoops us back to the early ’80s, when the French aeronautics industry was just getting off the ground. A buff American Jane-Fonda type (who’s actually named Jane) moves into a sleepy Toulouse suburb and turns the community upside down by introducing a handful of local women to aerobics. First and foremost among them is her clever next-door neighbor, Karine, the frustrated wife of a local aeronautics engineer. Jane’s aerobics class is soon the talk of the town, changing attitudes and knitting together a sense of mutual support and female bonding. There may be more to the beguiling American than originally meets the eye… but the lives of all these women will never be the same again.
This classic series follows the events that sparked the greatest conflict of the century, capturing the drama, the excitement and the ideological juxtapositions of these crucial years. Former CBS News correspondent and commentator Eric Sevareid, one of the world's most respected figures in journalism, presents this extraordinary series featuring stunning original newsreels, soundtracks, and rare archival footage.
The irresistible rise and dramatic downfall of Margaret Thatcher. Her inner circle reveal how a political outsider won power and dominated British life through a turbulent decade.