Urda: The Third Reich is an original net animation written and directed by Romanov Higa. The story takes place circa 1943, during World War II.
Facing a losing war, the Nazi Party discovers a marooned spaceship capable of time travel, thus enabling them to alter the outcome of their fate. Enter Erna Kurtz, a newly hired spy who stumbles upon the Nazis' plot. With the help of her fearless friend Janet, Erna must face her past in order to secure her future.
This 6-hour documentary series recalls one of the most thrilling races in history, between three icons, super powers and ideologies that came together to overcome a greater evil and achieve VE Day. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin find themselves in an uneasy alliance, fraught with power-struggles, false promises and deadly suspicions of each other. The series paints an in-depth picture of the race to power and victory during the war, to reach VE Day.
Churchill's People is series of 26 historical dramas produced by the BBC, based on Winston Churchill's A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. They were first broadcast on BBC1 in 1974 and 1975.
The Great War in Numbers tells the complete story of World War I - from outbreak to conclusion - and the fragile peace that followed. It was a war unlike any other before it, with a number of firsts along the way. Seventy-milliion men were mobilised to fight around the world, from the trenches of the Western Front to the Middle East and Africa.
At the end of the 16th century, Dutch subjects revolted against legitimate Spanish rule. What starts with the discontent of a minority grows into a war that will last more than a lifetime. From Groningen to Brussels, from Den Briel to Groenlo, the battle erupts everywhere. And often that struggle has a strangely modern appearance. Terrorism, propaganda, executions, radicalization, shock and awe; all themes that can easily be found in the war that was fought from 1568 to 1648. In a 7-part television series, the NTR will bring the stories about the 80-year war that can be found all over the country from September 28, every Friday at 9.05 pm on NPO 2. And Hans Goedkoop oversees the battlefield with experts.
The epic story of Australia and the First World War is revealed through the lives of five Australians and their transformative journeys through conflict on the battlefront and on the home front.
Singgasana Brama Kumbara is an Indonesian historical-drama TV series, produced by PT. Menara Gading Citra Perkasa (now Genta Buana Paramita). It was aired on ANTV in April 2,1995.