The Great War in Numbers tells the complete story of World War I - from outbreak to conclusion - and the fragile peace that followed. It was a war unlike any other before it, with a number of firsts along the way. Seventy-milliion men were mobilised to fight around the world, from the trenches of the Western Front to the Middle East and Africa.
Tony Robinson explores the forgotten conflicts he lived through: The Suez Crisis, The Bosnian War, The Gulf War, The Korean War, The Malayan Emergency and The Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya.
Angling Dharma tells the story of the divisions that occurred in the Malwapati Kingdom when it was led by Prabu Angling Dharma, who was known as a wise king and possessed the magic of mandraguna. The split was sparked by a feud between Angling Dharma and Syudawirat with a background in the struggle for the throne.
Qin Shi Huang is a Chinese television series based on the life story of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor who unified China under the Qin Dynasty. The series was filmed between 1999 and 2000 and was first released in 2001 in Hong Kong and Thailand, and in 2002 in Singapore. In China, the series was edited and altered by historians and experts before it was approved for broadcast on CCTV-1 in 2007.
The story of the Najla series took place in 1979, and a girl promised a boy in love in that turbulent and insecure situation that if the boy wanted to cross the border between Iran and Iraq and visit Arbaeen, he would reciprocate his love for her. He will answer in the affirmative. You have, but it all happened along the way
It all starts in 1985. In a small town there are three boys who dream of a career as a naval officer - Sashka Robertson, Leshka Balunov and Vovka Titov. The submarine K-963, on which their fathers serve, is leaving on a secret mission - to the NATO exercise area to find and record an acoustic portrait of the newest, virtually silent American submarine. And the boys, playing submariners in an abandoned factory, fall into a death trap. Years later, when friends Sashka, Leshka and Vovka were finishing school, military service no longer seemed so prestigious to many, values changed, and submarines rusted. Vovka leaves for Moscow, becomes a businessman. Lyoshka goes to the Marine Corps. And only Sashka remains true to his youthful dream and connects his life with the sea - he becomes a submariner.