Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Inspector is a Japanese anime series, that retells the events from the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 game, a game featuring only original characters and mechs created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise. It was produced by Asahi Production and started broadcasting in several Japanese TV Stations on October 1, 2010. The anime also received a simulcast release on the English anime streaming website, Crunchyroll.
Generation Jets is a Saturday-afternoon animated children's television show created for the New York Jets. It airs Saturdays at 1 PM on WCBS-TV in New York City, and has won two day-time Emmy awards.
Generation Jets follows five school-aged kids as they explore New York City's landmarks. They learn from their adventures and interaction with players and coaches from the New York Jets.
Generation Jets is produced by New York based production company B-Train Films.
Though seemingly unconnected, the characters in HUMAN CROSSING all have something in common. They are dealing with the sometimes joyous, but often horrific realities of everyday life.
Jérémie, Aelita, Yumi, Ulrich, Odd and William return to their daily lives as students of Kadic College. But XANA, the multi-agent program that had become their mortal enemy and that they had managed to destroy in their previous adventures, reappears. The Lyoko Warriors reactivate the supercomputer in order to return to Lyoko, discover the reasons for this reappearance and put an end to it before the Earth is threatened again.
Following the friendship between spirited rabbit Pip and sweet-natured mouse Posy whose lives revolve around a wonderful world of play. Each day is a joyful celebration of their great friendship, its laughter and games, and its ups and downs.
Shinichirou decides to look for a job in order to pay his rent, and his teacher suggests that he work for someone at their house doing housekeeping; however, the person who hired him was Sakuya, a girl who is the 37th head of the Shimazu family, and her job is to exorcise and eliminate unwanted creatures. Shinichirou accidentally releases one of the creatures that Sakuya captures and they cooperate to catch it.
A mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
Join Angelina Ballerina as she finds her way in her new school, puts together her own show and tries to land a leading role in the Mouskinov Ballet. Prepare to pirouette along with everyone's favorite ballerina in these sparkling stories!
Stuart Little: The Animated Series is an American animated television series, loosely based on the E. B. White children's book Stuart Little and more based on the live action movie adaptations. It was produced by Red Wagon Productions and Sony Pictures Television for the HBO Family digital cable television channel, and aired for just one 13-episode season in 2003.
Shiki Tohno sustained a life threatening injury as a child, and due to that incident he was sent away from the Tohno household and was given to a relative to be raised. Years later, when Shiki is in high school, the head of the Tohno household—his father—dies, and he is ordered to move back in by his sister Akiha, who is the new head of the household. However, Shiki holds a huge secret. Ever since that injury, he has been seeing lines on objects, and only with a special pair of glasses is he able to stop seeing them. Also he is unable to remember anything well from the time before his accident. The day he moves back to the Tohno household is the day he stumbles upon a woman named Arcueid Brunestud and decapitates her with one stab of his knife in a temporary fit of insanity. When she suddenly showed up beside him later alive and well, and ask him to be her bodyguard, Shiki's journey to unravel the mysteries of his past begins.
In a forgotten town known as the old capital of Tokyo, strange and mysterious crimes are progressively occuring. These supernatural occurances are beyond comprehension and bring fear and terror to the people. Only one person is not intimidated by the evil underlying these occurances and is willing to challenge them: Hyuga Mayuki, a young boy detective who holds a special insight power that allows him to uncover the real truth behind these occurances.
High school student, Naoya Aizawa is having a normal day with his long time friend, Tama. But on his way to school, every person in the train station suddenly disappears... except for one girl.
A poor young frog living in Rainbow Pond with his mother and father (a toymaker), who becomes friends with a popular and sweet girl frog named Ranatan, despite the differences in their social standings: Ranatan is the daughter of the leader of Rainbow Pond, while Demetan and his parents are tree frogs, which make them automatic outcasts in the community. Together, Demetan and Ranatan enjoy many adventures.