The anime's story centers on a cat named Maru, adopted by a girl named Anna from a shelter in Matsuyama city. Loved and well fed by the family, Maru gets rounder and fatter every day, spending most of his day sitting by the window and looking at the garden outside. When the family gets a new cat named Cerisier and begins doting on it, Maru gets jealous. In a fight with Cerisier, Maru is hurt by the family's words to him, and follows the advice of another cat to leave and see the world.
Bheem, a fun-loving toddler with incredible strength, is heading to school. Join his classroom adventures as he makes new friends and plenty of mischief!
I Got a Rocket is an Australian animated series centered on a boy named Vincent "Vinnie", who received a rocket for his 13th birthday. The rocket was also given a personality, acts as a best friend to Vinnie and is fond of assisting him. Although the series was short-lived, it received a 2008 Emmy Award for "New Approaches - Daytime Children's Entertainment".
I Got a Rocket was originally a book by Matt Zurbo, but was converted into an animated series. It features the voices of Thomas Bromhead as Rocket, Jamie Oxenbould as Vincent "Vinnie", Marcello Fabrizi as Vinnie's father, V. P. Stern, etc., Drew Forsythe as Ma Ducky, Biffo and Scuds Ducky, Trilby Glover as Gabby and Maya and Rachel King as Crystal and Frankie Ducky.
Adapted from a popular online novel originally published between 2007 and 2008, the animation tells the tale of Zheng Shaopeng, a university student who finds himself transported back in time to ancient China after a book falls on his head. Thrust into the body of a poor scholar named Yang Lin, Zheng navigates a turbulent era marked by internal conflict and external threats. Through his wisdom and ingenuity, Yang rises through the ranks of the fictional Danzhu Dynasty, tackling corruption, fending off enemies, and ushering in an era of technological advancement and enlightenment.
Tokimeki Memorial Only Love is a Japanese anime series produced by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd., based on Konami's popular Tokimeki Memorial dating simulation series, specifically Tokimeki Memorial Online. It premiered October 3, 2006 across Japan on TV Tokyo. The anime series ended its run on March 27, 2007 with 25 episodes. The DVD release includes an additional episode and a special compilation episode for a total of 27 episodes.
Funky Fables (“Ponkikki Meisaku World”) was a segment of the ‘Hirake! Ponkikki’ which adapted various classic stories. In the early 90s the show was dubbed into English by Saban Entertainment.
Kid Notorious is an animated television series that aired for nine weeks on Comedy Central and is currently running on the UK version of Adult Swim. It starred Hollywood film producer Robert Evans as himself. Episode plots were often bizarre and absurdist in nature, featuring Evans as a James Bond type character. Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash also appeared on the show as himself. The show was directed by Pete Michels.
After a mysterious death, King Grey is reborn as Arthur Leywin on the magical continent of Dicathen. Although he enters his second life as a baby, his previous wisdom remains. He begins to master magic and forge his own path as the years go by, seeking to correct the mistakes of his past life.
Chisato is a beautiful 35-year-old writer, who looks like 18, and the father of Riju, a cute 15-year-old boy. Chisato's hobby is to drive away all of Riju's friends because he thinks they want to corrupt his precious child, so he shows his good side to these boys while he poisons the cake he brings them with a smile; however, there is one guy, Shunsuke, who doesn't fall for the tricks. But is Shunsuke really aiming for Riju? Who is that mysterious writer Chisato loves so much? And why is Chisato convinced that Riju's friends want to take advantage of him?