Casper and the Angels is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and aired for one season on NBC. Casper the Friendly Ghost was a guardian angel for two female motorcycle space cops named Minnie and Maxie in the year 2179. They were joined by a rambunctious ghost named Hairy Scary, who would scare villains and troublemakers, but unlike most other ghosts, was accepting of the fact that Casper was a gentle ghost who did not like to scare people. The show was apparently Hanna-Barbera's second attempt to cash in on the popularity of Charlie's Angels, the first being Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels.
Twenty-six 15-minute segments shown as thirteen 30-minute episodes were produced, as well as two 1979 television specials: Casper's Halloween Special and Casper's First Christmas.The show was shown on Cartoon Network and Boomerang for a few years.
Teen Wolf, known as The Cartoon Adventures of Teen Wolf in the United Kingdom, is an animated American television series broadcast from 1986 to 1987 that was produced by Southern Star Productions in association with Clubhouse Pictures. It was based on the 1985 live-action film, Teen Wolf.
Dennis and Gnasher is an animated British TV series based on characters from The Beano comic, It features the daily adventures of the rebellious schoolboy Dennis the Menace and his dog Gnasher.
Blinky Bill is back to bring his trademark mischief, mayhem, and humour to life. Along with his best mate and sidekick Jacko, Blinky takes on the role as defender of his outback home, Greenpatch.
A lost form of magic is revived from the Eastern Han dynasty, meanwhile, dangerous man eating monsters lurk the streets. What will stop these beasts from their mindless terror?
C-Bear isn't just Jamal's best friend, he happens to be the hippest, coolest plush toy in town. He's a lovable bear with an appetite for fun and food. Join C-Bear, Jamal and all their friends as they have one wild and funny adventure after another.
Percy is a gentle, kindly sort of a man who is happy with his life in the park, totally unhindered by the stresses and strains of modern life. He is a friend to all the animals, who turn to Percy in times of need - or just to have some fun in the park. Based on the books by Nick Butterworth.
An unseen evil lurks in the streets of Paris. Unless something is done, the darkness will unleash its destruction and consume all that is good. The City of Love will be lost to her people forever. All hope rests within the hearts of five young ladies. The only problem is, they don't even know it yet. But will an apprenticed nun, a reserved aristocrat, a hardened criminal, a traveling circus emcee and a Japanese girl experiencing loss set aside their unique differences and come together as one for the defense of many. The Paris Fighting Troup is born.
During a monster attack on the city, which is something that happens quite often, Silk and her two friends try get close to the attacking monster for a better view. An unfortunate choice of location to watch from leads to UFO-man, the city's giant protector, to land on the girls crushing them to death. Feeling sorry, UFO-man blames their death on the monster and promises to bring Silk and her friends back to life by lending them his power but the catch is that they now have to become the city's protector as well.
An animated series about the adventures of King Kong and his young pal Bobby Bond. Also featured were the adventures of "Tom of T.H.U.M.B.", a 6" tall secret agent.
MegaTokyo 2034: Beauty is only skin deep, but when you can’t see beneath the skin, how can you know what you’re really dealing with?
In a world where perfect androids called Boomers have infiltrated every aspect of society, it’s the job of Branch to maintain peace between the people and the plastic.
Unfortunately, not all boomers are created perfect, and when boomers go bad, people die.
The thin blue line that separates man from machine is about to meet its most horrifying test.
3-2-1 Penguins. is a kids cartoon that teaches kids about the Bible and helps them learn different Bible verses with Zidgel, Midgel, Fidgel and Kevin with the help of Michelle and Jason.