In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle? Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul?
In 1948 Tokyo, just right after the war, Kanna Kusakabe had just become a second-year at a high school when she meets the new language teacher, Akihiko Chuzenji. Mysterious supernatural things keep happening around Kanna. Once again today, Kanna is going to open the doors to the library prep room to seek help from the surly Chuzenji-sensei who is waiting inside.
Hunter: The Parenting takes place in the year 2006 in the county of Norfolk, UK, the family of main characters living just outside the township of Warham. It's slated to last 15 episodes according to Alfabusa's patreon.
Legend has it that the Dragon God sat down in the divine realm, and if the one who gets the inheritance of the God, becomes the new master of the divine state. Various clans and gangs are striving for the inheritance of the Dragon God. The main character, Chu Qianye, is regarded as the son of a sinner because of his father's loss of the clan's treasure, and suffers from the cold shoulder.
Mary, Mungo and Midge is a British animated children's television series, created by John Ryan and produced by the BBC in 1969.
The show featured the adventures of a girl called Mary, her dog Mungo, and her pet mouse Midge, who lived in a tower block in a busy town. BBC newsreader Richard Baker narrated the episodes, with John Ryan's daughter Isabel playing Mary. The theme tune and other music for the series was provided by Johnny Pearson.
This show was one of the first children's shows in the UK to reflect urban living. The programme showed Mary having adventures in a busy town, as opposed to in a wood, forest or other rural setting. The two featured animals were likely to be familiar to town dwellers, as opposed to the array of talking wildlife usually seen in children's television.
In each episode, the three of them would descend in the lift from their flat in the tower block. After their adventures they would return home, Midge would press the button for the lift back to the correct floor, by standing on Mun
Troy the Train is the fastest train in the world. He makes sure that new vehicles arrive safely in Car City, and join the Car Team. Every day, Troy the train meets new friends, who follow him in amazing adventures.
The Adventures of Sam is an animated Australian children's TV series that aired in 1997. Set in the 1850s, it followed a boy named Sam Donahue as he had adventures around the world while trying to find his brother.
The show is well known for its theme music by Nerida Tyson-Chew which was nominated for several awards.
Crimes of passion, old-fashioned gangland homicides and mysteries that captivated the entire nation. Animated series, The Twist brings to life some of Australia's most intriguing and unexpected crime stories.
Tip en Tap is a Belgian animated television series created by Ray Goossens and produced by the Belgische Radio en Televisie in 1971. There were 26 episodes.
The series featured two puppies who used to get into some kind of mischief in each episode, but who were always saved by their uncle at the last second. At the end, their uncle would bring them back home to their beds and tuck them in under the sheets.
This cartoon was also very popular in Czechoslovakia, broadcast as a bedtime story at 7.00 PM on federal channel ČST-1. Both two dubbings were made. Still very popular in both countries, released on DVD.