The Owl, also known as La Chouette, is a series of short CGI-animated episodes for children's television. The series features the eponymous owl, pink in colour, and with blue feet that "float" below her body. Each of the minute-long fifty-two episodes centres on the owl attempting to overcome unfortunate circumstances, but end in her demise by her various appendages and body being dispensed of in unusual or comical ways. The series also feature a surrealistic world with floating objects and exploding apples.
Nico was a 2001 Spanish animated television series produced by BRB Internacional and the National Organization of the Spanish Blind about the title character, Nico; a boy that is blind. Blind people in the cartoon are usually referred to by the more politically correct term "visually impaired" regardless of how severe, or otherwise, their blindness is.
The series raised awareness of progresses being made in cities as they became more blind-friendly. It also educated children about blind people.
What do Bingo and Rolly like to do when they're not on a mission? They play, of course! Join the pups, Hissy and their backyard pals as they play games and have fun!
Somehow overgrown dog Fík was devised by writer Rudolf Čechura and painted by painter Jiří Šalamoun. And because dogs have dreams too, Fik is also dreaming about something thrilling as well as funny. The entire series is voiced by actor Josef Dvořák. And what about is Fik dreaming? Perhaps about how he once played football, how he drove the car, how he spent Christmas and how he became captain of an ocean liner.
The Animated Bible Series, is the world's first visual narrative of the entire Bible from creation and the fall to the kings and prophets, to the coming of the Christ and His final Revelation.