The Owl, also known as La Chouette, is a series of short CGI-animated episodes for children's television. The series features the eponymous owl, pink in colour, and with blue feet that "float" below her body. Each of the minute-long fifty-two episodes centres on the owl attempting to overcome unfortunate circumstances, but end in her demise by her various appendages and body being dispensed of in unusual or comical ways. The series also feature a surrealistic world with floating objects and exploding apples.
The Terrible Thunderlizards is a segment that aired in Canada on YTV and in the United States as part of Eek! Stravaganza on the Fox Kids programming block.
Teenager Speed Racer aspires to be the world's best race-car champion with the help of his friends, family and his father's high-tech race-car, the Mach 5.
Your favorite Seabrook monsters are back with all new mysteries no one saw coming. The story begins at Seabrook High, where zombies, werewolves, and humans are all co-existing happily. A new girl at school, Vanna, whom Addison immediately befriends, threatens to shake up the dynamic when they learn that she is not all that she seems.
Shinjuku, 1979. A member of the Kaeda Yakuza gang, Akutsu Shouji, has lost in a brawl with a university cheering squad, and begs for forgiveness through bitter tears. Since then, nothing has gone well in Shouji's life, until 10 years later in 1989, his friend was ordered to kill him, and as he ran away he killed himself, ending his miserable life. But when Shouji opened his eyes, he was in Shinjuku in 1979, at the fight with the university students that caused things to go wrong. Now with ten more years of memories and experience, Shouji repels the university students with spirit and wisdom. Now he swears to wear a gold emblem around town, and begins his life anew.
Star Wars Detours is an unaired American CGI-animated comedy series. It is differentiated from the other Star Wars animated series in that it is a parody of the franchise. It offers a comedic take on what happened between the prequel trilogy (Episodes I–III) and the original trilogy (Episodes IV–VI).
Satina details the life and (mis)adventures of the titular demon child and her parents. Satina is the daughter of the overworked Queen of North American Hell, Lucia, and her father Dave, an ordinary man working as an IT consultant in the human world.
Follow three new idols in training: Himeno Mieru, Mamimu Meh and Wao Parin. But since they're currently unknown, they decide to do their own advertising and gather a fanbase. Together, they form the Aikatsu Academy! Streaming Club to record and broadcast their idol activities.
Mummy Nanny is a French-German television series. It follows the story of Nile, an Egyptian mummy who is awoken from her sleep after thousands of years and is hired as a nanny for Capucine and Alex's family.