The story follows the lives of two young people, Inuzuka Himari, who has yet to find her first love, and Natsume Yuu, a flower-loving boy, who remained best friends in their second year of high school, together in the gardening club. Sometimes Hiyori will tease him by say things like, "If Yu can't get married, I'll have to take the blame. It's hard when your brother calls him 'brother-in-law!" But when Yuu is reunited with his first crush from the past, the wheels of their relationship suddenly started to turn! Will Himari's newfound feelings help her break free from her "ideal friend" status?
Best friends Kishiko, Shellnelle, Harmonique, Riviera and Jordie are granted magical color change power that they must use to save their fabulous underwater city.
Lady Lovely Locks and the Pixietails is a character property created by American Greetings Corporation in the mid-1980s. The characters were licensed for a toyline by Mattel, and for a syndicated animated television series by DiC in 1987. However, only 20 episodes were produced in all.
Star Street is a Dutch children's cartoon that was popular both in Benelux and in the United Kingdom. The protagonists were pink big-nosed creatures comically fashioned after horoscopes of the western zodiac and was set on a small star-shaped planet in the outer reaches of the universe. The antagonists were green blobbish creatures known appropriately as blobs governed by an even larger pink blob creature. The cartoon's premise was somewhat similar to The Smurfs and The Care Bears. Telecable Benelux B.V. is the company that currently owns the rights to the show.
Crimes of passion, old-fashioned gangland homicides and mysteries that captivated the entire nation. Animated series, The Twist brings to life some of Australia's most intriguing and unexpected crime stories.
The series follows Stella and her royal family, who've been forced to move houses due to water damage in their castle. Queen Kat sees it as the perfect opportunity to modernise. In line with King Bob’s royal motto “Closer to the people” they decide to live in a normal house in an ordinary suburb.