Sprookjesboom, also known as "The Fairy Tale Tree" and "Märchenbaum" is a computer-animated series for children from The Efteling. The show is produced by the animation studio Motek Entertainment in Amsterdam, based on a concept from Efteling's director, Olaf Vugts. The television program is broadcast daily in several international markets including the Netherlands on TROS and z@ppelin, in Belgium on Ketnet, and in Germany on NRW.
Sprookjesboom is similar in theme to Dreamworks' Shrek. It tells the story of the characters that live in the Sprookjesbos, or Fairy Tale Forest, including Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Tom Thumb. Behind every 5-minute episode is a subtle moral message. Episodes are in Dutch, with some having been translated to German and English. The character animation is based on motion capture performance.
A feature length film titled Sprookjesboom, de Film was released in 2012 and was awarded the 100th Dutch Gouden Film. The film was based on the characters and stories from the serie
Twisted Whiskers is a childrens series developed in 2010 for entertainment and American Greeting has used some information for greeting cardsTwisted Whiskers is a design for greeting cards developed and licensed by American Greetings and created by Terrill Bohlar since 2001. It includes digitally modified photos of animals, creating a caricature. The series includes greeting cards, gift items, wrapping paper, notepads and holiday items. Animated e-cards and instant messenger products have been produced as well. In 2011, American Greetings relaunched the line with the release of greeting cards featuring lenticular designs, showing a pet turning into a trademark character of the Twisted Whiskers line.
The characters of the franchise have appeared in these books:
⁕Twisted Whiskers Cheer Up! by Jennifur Leczkowski
⁕Twisted Whiskers: You're Nuts! by Finn Moore
⁕Twisted Whiskers: Happy Birthday, Gorgeous by Finn Moore
⁕Fabulous Friends! by Jennifer Leczkowski
Can Iron Man and this rag-tag group - Captain Marvel, Spider-Ham, Groot, and Throg - figure out what the Mad Titan Thanos wants and why they've been brought to this strange, new world?
Love Hina Again is a series of three OVA episodes following the original anime series, primarily adapts events from Volume 11 and Volume 12 with elements from Volume 13.
In the quiet village of QuaQua, live submarine-like creatures that have built a wonderful and intricate community. Bubble Marin promises adventures as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sea.
Davy Crockett is a good man and loves to help others and always confronts the bad guys who try to sabotage the forest or oppress others, but Heavy Crockett is on the lookout for them.
Many interesting adventures and excitement in this wonderful series.