Magical girl Faria and an amnesiac boy named Dos embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of their enemies, the "Variant Creatures," and discover a mysterious force attempting to manipulate the life of the magical girl "Thrud". They resolve to resist and cleanse the land.
In the beginning of the 22nd Century, nuclear war has devastated the Earth and turned it into a wasteland. The few survivors gather and raise the city-state Setos, and while progressing a revival plan for mankind, come into contact with the Atman lifeforms sleeping in the planet's mantle.
A thousand-year-old abandoned wife transforms into a cute girl and falls in love with an alien uncle, and an immortal alien pilot transforms into a superstar to protect her thousand-year-old love. This is a group of people abandoned by time, who fell in love before the Christian era. In the prehistoric reincarnation, they are destined to be reunited briefly and lost forever... Searching for life after life, the only thing they can do is to keep each other's marks in mind and wait for their fate to wake up next time.
"Elmo's World" is a fifteen-minute long segment that was shown at the end of the children's television program Sesame Street. It premiered in late 1998, as part of the show's structural changes, to appeal to their younger viewers, and to increase their lower ratings. The segment was developed out of a series of workshops that studied the changes in the viewing habits of their audience, and the reasons for the show's lower ratings. "Elmo's World" used traditional elements of production, but had a more sustained narrative. It was presented from the perspective of a three-year old child as represented by its host, the Muppet Elmo, who was performed by Kevin Clash. In 2002, Sesame Street's producers changed the rest of the show to reflect its younger demographic and the increase in their viewers' sophistication.
The seven muffins live in the middle of the Deserted Meadow, far from the noise of the world, in the cavernous caverns of a muffins heap. The greenest in the green. Muzzle is the reddest. Titus is the yellowest. Hilda is the coolest. Valér is the blueest. Bela is the brownest. Fityirc is the grayest because ... Well, because it must be somebody! They are brave and timid, gentle and sudden in nature, multilingual and silent, clever and ... Well, they are all different. Like children (and adults, of course). Muffins loves best when nothing happens to them, they can just laze around at the top of their heap. But in vain, because most of the time their peaceful day turns into a complicated adventure! Luckily, the muffins are good friends, and together they can solve even the most jovial situations!
Upcoming reboot of the anime and manga series Astro Boy, that will address today’s hot-button issues, including the impact of the Internet, social media and the damages caused to the environment by humans.