Panda-Z: The Robonimation is a Japanese anime short series created by Shuichi Oshida, considered as a parody of Go Nagai's Mazinger Z. The series is produced by both Bee Media and Synergy Japan and began airing in Kids Station on April 12, 2004 to November 1, 2004.
Fueled by delusions of grandeur, Matt and Bird disguise themselves as humans and break out of the zoo to chase their dreams, only to learn that it's not so easy being human.
The Trident Foundation controls the world's back alleys and darkest corners. Its boss, the ruthless Tojo, has an un-quenchable thirst for violence, sex and power. When he meets Rei-Lan, his sexual prowess takes her beyond her wildest fantasies. Four years later, they meet again as enemies. Will Rei-Lan extract her revenge on Tojo, or will their sexual bond prove too potent to resist?
The Immigrants is adult cartoon which was set to debut August 12, 2004 on Spike TV. The series never aired, but it was later compiled into a film and released in October 2008 in Hungary.
A kockásfülű nyúl (English: "The rabbit with checkered ears") is a 26-episode Hungarian animated children's series produced from 26 August 1977 on in the studios of PannóniaFilm. Created by the acclaimed children's literature writer and graphic artist Veronika Marék and animator Zsolt Richly, its protagonist, the rabbit with checkered ears quickly became one of the most prolific mascots of Hungarian animation.
Watch the colorful antics of Pikmin as they jump into three short movies, the first movies ever directed by Shigeru Miyamoto. The three shorts, titled The Night Juicer, Treasure in a Bottle and Occupational Hazards find Pikmin in unusual, funny, and even dangerous situations. NOTE: No real Pikmin were harmed during the filming of these movies.
Best friends Kishiko, Shellnelle, Harmonique, Riviera and Jordie are granted magical color change power that they must use to save their fabulous underwater city.
RollBots is an animated television series created by Michael Milligan and produced by Amberwood Entertainment. The TV show premiered in Canada on YTV on February 7, 2009, and in the United States on The CW4Kids on September 19, 2009. It's run aired until June 5, 2010.
RCH is all about our city heroes - policemen, firefighters, ambulance crew and even a garbage truck. In this cartoon you will meet Sergeant Cooper the Police Car who will take you around the city to make sure everything is okay. With Sergeant Cooper you will pull over a speeding car, help a car with a bent wheel and at the end catch a bad guy!
“I've come to eat you.” So softly utters the mermaid Shiori as she emerges from the sea and takes high school girl Hinako by the hand. Hinako lives alone in a town by the sea and possesses an unusually delicious body that is irresistible to nearby monsters. To ensure that she matures to the best condition, Shiori seeks to protect Hinako—all so that someday, she can devour every piece of her. What will become of Hinako's feelings as this looming unjust death closes in on her...?
A fifth-year elementary student named Eiji Toomatsu, and his "inspiration" buddy, a dog named Pochirou. One day Eiji finds a mysterious book called the "Pikachin Research Book," and learns about the seven tools that make up the Pikachin Kit. Eiji presses a button inside the research book, and immediately a "Future Amazon" delivery arrives at his door with the kit. Eiji uses the blueprints included in the box to assemble the kit, but it seems as though 1% part of the kit is still missing.
In the franchise, the word "Pikachin" means the flash of inspiration or insight one gets about a new project, similar to the visual of a lightbulb turning on above one's head when someone has an idea. The concept of the franchise is "invention is 99% plastic models, 1% inspiration."
An animated medley of music, art, and dance ingeniously designed to introduce young children to masterpieces of these arts. This creative kaleidoscope of color, motion and music features a diapered baby 'conductor' who leads an all-animal orchestra through short musical pieces, played before a rapt animal audience.