The story revolves around a highschool boy named Niwa Makoto. He lives with his aunt's family since his parents are away on business. It is there where he meets his mysterious cousin of the same age Touwa Erio — who happens to tie a futon mattress around her upper body and is a self-proclaimed alien. Her staple food is pizza. Erio had been missing for half a year and was found floating in the sea. She doesn't remember anything about what happened during that period of time, but she began to think that it was the act of an alien and wanders the neighbourhood wrapped in the futon.
In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.
The stories of the men and women who work the overnight shift at San Antonio Memorial Hospital. They are an irreverent and special breed, particularly adrenaline junkie T.C. Callahan.
Dou Qiao is a genius negotiator who is the star of the US-China Business Council. Male lead Xie Xiaofei also works as a negotiator, but is actually the sole heir of a wealthy Chinese-American corporation who wants nothing to do with the family business. He vents his frustrations on Dou Qiao, though their bickering relationship soon takes a romantic turn. The couple separates after Dou Qiao discovers the Xie Family had a hand in her parents’ deaths, only to meet several years later as negotiators of rival firms.
A social series revolving around the story of a marriage that appears to be successful, but it passes through minor accumulations that turn into a fierce conflict that brings out the evil that lies within the human soul.
The former expert in fireworks, José Clementino gets a job as a bricklayer in the construction of a magnificent shopping center, one of the many works carried out by the construction engineer, César Toledo. During the feast of the ridge, where engineers and workers gather to celebrate the laying of the slab work, Clementino's wife flirts with several men. At one point, when he gives for the missing woman, Mason goes looking for her and is in a far corner of the building having sex with two men. Overcome with rage, Clementino kills his wife and one of the men paddle strokes. The family hears the screams and Toledo contains Clementino, with the help of a group of workers. Shocked by the violence of the employee, the employer called the police, and even later, an indictment against him at trial. His testimony is crucial to the conviction of Clementino, to discover their terrible crimes and audacious, which is a court suspicious.
Arthur, the grandson of crime boss Midas, is forced to return from the Netherlands to Russia for his grandfather's funeral. Pavel, the grandson of the hero policeman Ogurtsov, famous throughout Tolyatti, got bogged down in problems with his family, girlfriend and money. Both guys embark on the adventure of a lifetime on Lada 21043, made entirely of gangster gold. The car and the guys are being hunted by the leaders of three gangster groups who have just been released from prison — Bald, Buba and Grishka the singer, as well as the boundless Shamray, who will do anything to regain gold, influence and power.
Ruby Ring is a 2013 South Korean television daily drama series starring Lee So-yeon, Im Jung-eun, Kim Suk-hoon and Park Kwang-hyun. It airs on KBS2 on Mondays to Fridays at 19:45 beginning August 19, 2013.
Each episode of Hoarders is a fascinating look inside the lives of two different people whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of a personal crisis.
Divine Retribution is a TV drama series broadcast by ATV in Hong Kong on 11, September 2000. The series is supposed to be a sequel to TVB's 1992 series The Greed of Man, and was initially called, literally "Greed of Man 2000". Part of the reason for the name change was said to be due to legal rights disputes. While Douban reviews have suggested that the sequel to a TVB series being adopted by a rival channel ATV was actually not one of major controversy.
Disguised under the shadows of a mask, a crew of desperados band together under the leadership of a criminal mastermind known only as “The Professor” to pull off the biggest heist Korea has ever seen.
Yuki Takeya, Kurumi Ebisuzawa, Yuri Wakasa, and Miki Naoki decide to stay over at school. Along with the school adviser Megumi Sakura, they suddenly find themselves to be the final survivors of a zombie attack, and continue to live and survive at the school.
Beauty Knows No Pain is a 2010 Hong Kong television drama. Produced by Lam Chi-wah and co-edited by Suen Ho-ho and Chan Kam-ling, the drama is a TVB production. The show premiered on July 26, 2010, and is slated to air for 20 episodes five nights a week. The drama follows the lives of three women — Jackie, Mrs. Cash, and BiBi, portrayed by Maggie Cheung Ho-yee, Michelle Yim, and Joyce Tang respectively — who work in the same cosmetics production company, Paris Donna San-Malo Donna.