Kutumb was a popular daily Indian television drama telecast on Sony Entertainment Television. The show was aired on October 29, 2001 and went off air on February 7, 2003. The show had two seasons, however, the seasons plot were not inter-related at all, more like two series. However, both series revolve around principal characters of Pratham and Gauri, and their love and "Kutumb"
Café con aroma de mujer is a 1994 Colombian telenovela, produced by then programming company RCN TV on state-owned Canal A. It was written and created by Fernando Gaitán. It was broadcast in several countries throughout Latin America, North America and Europe.
After a number of murders of prostitutes at a motorway stop near Berlin, in a rear courtyard in Antwerp, and in a brothel in Copenhagen, Europol decides to form a taskforce to tackle the case. Harald, a Dane, Jackie, a German, and Alice from Belgium embark on the hunt for the killer. As the case unfolds, the killings prove to be just the tip of the iceberg, the iceberg itself being a large, pan-European criminal organization involved in everything from drugs and financial crime to corruption, hired killings and not least people trafficking , illegal labor and prostitution.
Bubbly, energetic first-year high school student Himari falls head over heels for her senpai, Yori, after hearing her band perform on the first day of school. Himari tells Yori she just loves her, and, to Himari's surprise, Yori says she loves Himari back! But when Himari realizes that she and her senpai are feeling two different kinds of love, she begins to ask herself what "love" really means.
A search and rescue department specializes in finding loved ones lost during a war, natural disaster or relocation. The paranoid and skeptical Hong Yu-Fung, the optimistic and energetic Sze Yik-Him, the eloquent Crystal Sin, and computer expert Yeung Chi-Kei are led by a calm and rational team leader Lo Man-Kit to start their experience of searching and rescuing people. Not only do they find happiness in their work, but they also go through a whole new experience of how they see themselves.
Reena Virk, a fourteen-year-old girl, went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Seven teenage girls and a boy were accused of the savage murder.
When Emery was 6 years old, an alien spacecraft crash-landed in her small town. Whether they came in peace or with more sinister intentions didn't matter: a fierce battle erupted as humans fought for control over their new rivals, an alien species called the Atrians. In the midst of the conflict, Roman, a 6-year-old Atrian boy, found his way to a shed behind Emery's house, where she temporarily protected him from harm, bringing him food, comfort - and friendship. Ten years later, the Atrians have been acclimated to life on Earth, but they are interned in a heavily-guarded camp known as the Sector to keep them separate from humans. Now, for the first time, a group of Atrian teens will enroll in a suburban human high school, with the goal of testing the feasibility of human/alien integration. Emery and Roman find each other again in a school and a society that distrusts everything about the Atrians. While the world around them rages with anger and prejudice, their bond becomes increasingly strong and i
Burdened with heavy debt, Mok, a technical college student, applies for a high-paying job as a caregiver to Day, a badminton player with partial blindness due to infectious keratitis. Day hires Mok who—unlike other applicants—seems to take no pity on him. With so much time spent in each others' company, the two develop a deep bond. When Day learns he'll have approximately 90 days until he loses what vision he has remaining, how will the two weather the trials ahead?
Red Sun is a family drama that tells stories of courage, sacrifice, and hardships that every Filipino family has. These stories were inspired by the tales of the unsung heroes who defied the odds of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.
A boy and a girl were destined to be together since birth. A long time ago, two best friends each had a child. One named his son Li Zheng, which means “attention,” and the other named his daughter Shao Xi, which means “at ease” in military terminology. The two kids grew up to embody their names, with Li Zheng being diligent and paying extra attention to everything he wants to achieve in life and Shao Xi being more laid back and lazy in her approach to life and school. When Li Zheng returns to Taiwan after growing up in Japan, he meets Shao Xi for the first time in high school. Despite their polar opposite personalities, the strong pull of their fates bring them together. Can they each adapt to be with each other or will the strong forces of life keep the two apart?
Two people who lost touch over the years and have found each other again. Om is playing a prince who had to flee his country along with is mother and adopted sister Marnfah (Chat)–his father was being overthrown by his uncle. They had no choice but to leave their mother country to Thailand where they were separated to face their own destinies.
Om grows up under the support of a Hong Kong businessman and he becomes a successful businessman himself. Marnfah was sent to live with a military family in northern Thailand. Her name was changed from Marnfah to Bralee. At the present time, she has just graduated from a school in the United States and has decided to visit a friend in Hong Kong. This is where she will meet her long lost prince. Instead of her friend picking her up, she is picked up by Jao San (Om), a man her father does business with. As for him, he knows exactly who she is, her complete background that she is Marnfah–the young lady he has been keeping a watchful eye on out of concern. So they me
Higurashi Tabito has lost four out of his five senses--his sense of sound, smell, taste, and touch. The only sense he has is sight, which he relies on for his job as a detective who has to investigate and find various missing objects. He works at the detective agency with Yukiji, his buddy and manager, and Tei, his adopted daughter. No matter what it is, Tabito always finds the missing object. His investigative methods, however, are a little bizarre. His eyes seem to be able to see everything, including things that regular people can't see, like scents and emotions.
Without a single blood relative left in the world, the lonely Tabito pours his heart out on his job. Each case he solves brings him closer to Yukiji, Tei, and her daycare teacher Yoko, who all treat him like family. Wrapped in their warmth, his heart begins to melt.
One of the first post-Independence Bosnian sitcoms. Production started on June 22, 2001 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final episode was filmed in Sarajevo on August 25, 2008 and aired in October. It eventually became one of the region's most popular sitcoms.
A family drama that conveys the touching heart-warming story of the conflicts and difficulties a group of adults face as they try take care of their mother who is suffering from Alzheimer.
Aapki Antra was a Zee TV soap opera which premiered on June 1, 2009 and ended on February 18, 2010. The story is about a girl, Antara, who is diagnosed with autism and who positively affects the lives of those she encounters during her life.