Star Blazers is an American animated television series adaptation of the Japanese anime series, Space Battleship Yamato I, II, and III. Star Blazers was first broadcast in the United States in 1979. Significantly, it was the first popular English-translated anime that had an overarching plot and storyline that required the episodes to be shown in order. It dealt with somewhat more mature themes than other productions aimed at the same target audience at the time. As a result, it paved the way for future arc-based, plot-driven anime translations.
A well-respected announcer suddenly loses his ability to self-censor on air, catching the attention of a TV writer who invites him on her variety show.
The everyday lives of five men living together on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Unbeknownst to one another, each of them is living some aspect of his life on the DL.
The fight for freedom and against oppression is the central theme of this soap opera that tells the story of the Coragem brothers: João, Jerônimo and Duda, in the city of Coroado.
Spanish telenovela based on Johnston McCulley's characters. Don Diego Dela Vega, adopts the secret identity of Zorro. Diego born in the 1790s to a white father, Don Alejandro Dela Vega, and his wife, Native American warrior named Toypurnia. Diego learned his acrobatics and fencing skills in Spain, under a great swordmaster, than he returned to his family's California hacienda. He lives as both a nobleman and a vigilante, fighting imperialist oppression. He is backed by the brotherhood of Zorro, a secret society called the Knights of the Broken Thorn. Zorro falls in love with a beautiful young widow, Esmeralda Sánchez de Moncada. She arrives in California with her sister Mariángel Sánchez de Moncada and her father, Fernando, the newly appointed governor—and villainous dictator—of Los Angeles. The story arc focuses on mysteries concerning Esmeralda's long-lost mother and the man whose atrocities changed Diego's life forever. Their resolution threatens to shake the Spanish Empire.
Ted McCabe, a retired cop, and Lennie Cahill a retired crim, get together to solve crimes, unravel scams and make some cash, while avoiding the wrath of the police and the underworld.
Monarchists and republicans meet in Araruna, a small fictional town in the interior of São Paulo, in 1886. The novel portrays the love story of the beautiful and wealthy Sinhá Moça - daughter of the slave, Barão Ferreira de Araruna, and sweet and submissive Mother Candida - , with the young abolitionist lawyer Dr. Rodolfo Fontes - son of Dr. Fontes, and the housewife Inêz. Together, they face the difficulties in the campaign for the abolition of slaves.
Today is the day Ivy Moxham will escape from the cellar that's been her prison for the last 13 years. Today is the day she'll return to her home, to her family, to her life. Today is only the beginning.
Conta-me como foi (transl. Tell me how it was) is a Portuguese television drama series which has been broadcast on RTP1 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal from 2007 to 2011 and since 2019. It recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Lopes (Portuguese: Os Lopes), during the last years of the Estado Novo.
In February 2019, RTP announced that the series, after eight years shelved, would be renewed, with the storyline moving firmly into the 1980s. The first episode of the sixth season was broadcast on 7 December 2019 with the Lopes entering 1984.
Go Nam-soon, a young boy, constantly gets bullied by a group in his class. Later, one of his old rivals joins his school. Eventually, they are able to sort out their differences.
Four naive and vulnerable wing-mates develop lasting bonds as they jostle hard to survive the first semester in a hostel. Peppered with absurdities, chutzpahs, clashes and debacles inherent to hostel life, 'Hostel Daze' depicts the grill that every Indian hostel-resident goes through.
Talented and successful surgeon Daniel Milton has his world shattered when his wife Beth develops a fatal degenerative disease. After conventional treatment options run out, Daniel partners with the lonely yet resourceful Lee to start a literal Underground clinic in the vast network of tunnels beneath Temple Tube Station in London.