The Adventures of T-Rex is an animated series that aired in syndication from 1992 to 1993 in North America. The show features five musical Tyrannosaurus brothers who played to sold-out crowds as a vaudeville group for the Dragon company owned by the beautiful and wealthy Myrna while also secretly fighting crime as "T-REX," masterminded by Professor Edison. The show, an American/Japanese coproduction between DIC and well-known anime producer Kitty Film lasted only one season.
Set in a world of anthropomophic dinosaurs, brothers Bernie, Bruno, Bubba, Buck and Bugsy were born with special powers to help fight crime. Each brother's special power was related to a specific part of their anatomy; Bernie's legs, Bruno's arms, Bubba's tail, Buck's mouth and teeth, and Bugsy's telekinetic eyes. The group rode out on their Rexmobile to battle “Big Boss” Graves, crime kingpin of Rep City, and his evil organization, The Corporation. Kid sister Ginger was part of the singing group, but didn’t know about her br
El precio de amarte revolves around a man who abandoned his family as a child. Upon returning, several years later, he wants to discover why he was forced away. However, the search for the truth is derailed by a passionate love story. Full of action, intrigue and unexpected twists, El Precio de Amarte promises an exciting journey through generations, marked by love and tragedy.
Paul is a wealthy heir and the owner of the prestigious Belgrade Hotel. When his leisurely life is shaken up by the Belgrade Mafia, a crazy bride, old love, and quirky relatives, it becomes an adventure where anything is possible.
Prank Patrol was a British version of the original Canadian Prank Patrol. The show was made for by Baker Media for CBBC which specialised in kids programming. It was hosted by Barney Harwood. It was produced by Baker Media in association with Apartment 11 Productions
Kabouter Plop is the eponymous protagonist in a children's television series by Studio 100.
The television series is directed by Bart Van Leemputten. Most episodes last about five minutes and are set in Plop's milk inn or in Kabouter forest. The stories often involve pranks by naughty Kabouter Klus. Each episode starts with Plop lying in bed and reviewing what happened the past day. At the end of the episode he says he goes to "Kabouter dream land". Most episodes contain a moral.
In the 1980s, millions of Romanians tuned in to Comrade Detective, a gritty, sexy, communist buddy cop show that has now been digitally remastered and dubbed into English for the first time.
Ako si Kim Samsoon, or simply Kim Samsoon, was a romantic comedy Philippine drama that was aired on GMA Network, a remake of a popular and award-winning Korean drama that originally aired on MBC TV on Summer 2005. The series was part of the network's 58th Anniversary celebration.
Re-telling the story of My Lovely Sam Soon, dubbed as the Korean Bridget Jones, the series began airing on June 30, 2008, replacing Babangon Ako't Dudurugin Kita, and ended on October 10, 2008. The title role, previously played by Kim Sun Ah, was played by Regine Velasquez. This show marked the last television directing of Khryss Adalia who died due to colon cancer on October 13, 2008 after the finale week and the show was cancelled due to low ratings.
It was re-aired on GMA Life TV from December 20, 2010 to April 1, 2011. It currently airs on KIKU-TV in Honolulu, Hawaii since October 21, 2012. Ako si Kim Samsoon is also currently airing via Fox Filipino which premiered on May 28, 2013.
On January 2, 1994 the Dutch KRO television started an comic TV-show, based on the American sitcom 'The Honeymooners'. The scripts of these series were translated and edited by Gerard Cox and Sjoerd Pleijsier, two of the main actors. From the start of the fourth season they started to write their own episodes. The series are taking place in the south of Rotterdam, late fifties. The last season of the series took place in 1976.
My ex wants me is a romantic comedy with a dose of mystery. A different proposal that encompasses romance, suspense, drama and comedy in a single story. Three friends, three stories, three lives, three exes and a single purpose: to be reborn from the ashes of a love from the past.
Take a journey into the provocative and hilariously wicked mind of Amy Schumer as she explores topics revolving around sex, relationships, and the general clusterf*ck that is life. Through a series of scripted vignettes, stand-up comedy, and man-on-the street candid interviews, Schumer tackles various themes such as "Denial," "Getting Your Way," and "Threesomes."
Baek Tae Hwa is the cat’s owner and an airline co-pilot. He has a good background and handsome looks that would make anyone fall for him. Due to his naturally sweet personality, Baek Tae Hwa has often made women cry without meaning to. The pet hotel he uses suddenly closes before his flight one day, so Baek Tae Hwa ends up entrusting his pet with a woman.
Go Mi Rim has an ordinary background and is optimistic by nature. She works part-time at a convenience store while looking for a full-time job. Go Mi Rim agrees to take care of the cat owned by her one-sided love interest, but she starts to hear the cat’s voice after being hit by lightning, setting up the plot for an interesting romance to unfold.