Jack Frost is a gritty, dogged and unconventional detective with sympathy for the underdog and an instinct for moral justice who attracts trouble like a magnet. Despite some animosity with his superintendent, Norman “Horn-rimmed Harry” Mullett, Frost and his ever-changing roster of assistants manage to solve cases via his clever mind, good heart, and cool touch.
Cousins Bo and Luke Duke and their car "General Lee", assisted by Cousin Daisy and Uncle Jesse, have a running battle with the authorities of Hazzard County (Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane), plus a string of ne'er-do-wells often backed by the scheming Hogg.
The exploits of a group of men and women who serve the City of New York as police officers, firemen, and paramedics, all working the same fictional 55th precinct during the 3pm to 11pm shift - the 'Third Watch'.
When mafia lawyer Björn attends a mindfulness class to find a better work-life balance, he discovers surprising new coping strategies — including murder.
An anti-fraud unit comprised of police vice captain Kuang Zhong, Ma Sai and Zhu Xi is established for the purpose of taking down a major crime syndicate.
A telecom fraud case is connected to a large sum of money. Kuang Zhong (Guo Xiaodong) receives urgent orders to work with Zhu Xining (Wang Qian), Ma Sai (Xu Yue) and other colleagues to form the 10th squad.
Each exhibiting their own strengths, they work tirelessly to ensure the financial security of the public. However, the investigation is difficult and there are many hurdles to overcome. They are misunderstood and even rebuked for the work that they do. Under the leadership of Kuang Zhong, the team learns to help each other to crack the case.
Iraq war veteran Rayshawn takes shelter in his apartment building after being set up by New Orleans police on a drug deal. Amid a police standoff and growing media frenzy, a sympathetic cop tries to convince him to surrender.
Combines four to five segments of dramatic re-enactments, interviews and updates of real human and paranormal mysteries. An audience interactive call-to-action request allowed viewers to call in with tips to help solve the cases.
Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division — popularly called "The Eighth" — who don powered armor "Willware" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime. Assistant inspector Asami Kazari is assigned to The Eighth with the task of assessing the unit's status and reporting it to her superiors. But her true goal is to rehabilitate this sloppy, haphazard, justice-less group.
Tense drama series about the different challenges faced by the British Security Service as they work against the clock to safeguard the nation. The title is a popular colloquialism for spies, and the series follows the work of a group of MI5 officers based at the service's Thames House headquarters, in a highly secure suite of offices known as The Grid.
In 1949, accountant Huang Liwen returns to Shanghai to honor her late husband and fulfill a mission for the Communist Party. She reconnects with her family and meets Qiao Zhicai and his twin brother, Qiao Lijie, who plays a key role in her mission.
A murder unintentionally witnessed by Farah, who had to flee her country and illegally struggle to survive with her son, and Tahir Lekesiz, whom she met on the same night, will change their lives forever.
Sherlock Holmes uses his abilities to take on cases by private clients and those that the Scotland Yard are unable to solve, along with his friend Dr. Watson.