Spindoe is a British television series which was shown on ITV in the spring of 1968. It was named after the lead character, Alec Spindoe, a South London gangster; the plot of the series showed how Spindoe re-established his gangland empire after he had been supplanted during a term of imprisonment, but found once he had succeeded that he is no longer interested.
Alibi is a crime drama centered around the killing of 17-year-old Awatahi student, Jodie Hunter. The series is non-linear and can be watched in any order. Each episode is seen from the perspective of a different suspect in the case.
Explores the reality of private investigators by revisiting some of their investigations. Told by the detectives themselves, these stories show their daily work and reveals the highs and lows of an investigation.
How could it happen that the Dutch State became the largest drug importer of the 1990s? The docuseries takes a look at the dark undercover world of the Interregional Criminal Investigation Team (IRT), a specialist police force founded in 1988 to combat organized crime in the Netherlands. This prestigious police team infiltrated the criminal environment, as a result of which it became increasingly involved in drug trafficking, among other things. The delta method, as this infiltration technique is called, led to the police team even having its own drug line from South America to the Netherlands in the 1990s. In 'De IRT Affair', the main characters tell their story about how they imported thousands of kilos of drugs in the period from 1988 to 1993 to combat organized crime.
Catching Killers is a true crime series following police and prosecutors as they apprehend and incarcerate the world's most violent killers. Each episode features two stories of murder from around the world.
In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror.
José Bretón killed his children, six-year-old Ruth and two-year-old José, on a small family farm on the outskirts of Córdoba, Spain. He built a bonfire fueled by liters of diesel and burned their little bodies with the idea of making them disappear forever. It was Saturday, October 8, 2011.
One of the most horrifying tales in Quebec's judicial history. More than 50 years later, and some for the first time, protagonists of the time revisit this terrifying story that marked them forever. A story that many think they know, but which has never been told with such depth.
Follow the action-packed lives of the high-speed police interception unit. Led by specially trained officers and equipped with the fastest vehicles in the force, the team tackles the most difficult-to-catch criminals on a daily basis.
Telecrime was a British drama series that aired on the BBC Television Service from 1938 to 1939 and in 1946. One of the first multi-episode drama series ever made, it is also one of the first television dramas written especially for television not adapted from theatre or radio. Having first aired for 5 episodes from 1938 to 1939, Telecrime returned in 1946, following the resumption of television after World War II, and aired as Telecrimes.
A whodunit crime drama, Telecrime showed the viewer enough evidence to solve the crime themselves. Most episodes were written by Mileson Horton. All 17 episodes are lost. Aired live, their preservation was not technically possible at the time.
The brutal killing of his mum when he was a year old, changed Daniel Wing’s life forever. Over 30 years later, her murder remains unsolved and Tina Wing is all but forgotten. Now Daniel is determined to discover the truth about the tragedy that shaped his past. Who murdered his mum? As Daniel finds out more about the vibrant and happy woman Tina was, tragedies in her past are revealed - and the repercussions of her death on the family become clear. Daniel learns more about the sequence of events that led to Tina’s death. As he gets to know her better, his thoughts turn to his father - who was tried and acquitted of Tina's murder. Who did kill Tina? Daniel explores what his mother’s story can reveal about an epidemic of violence against women and asks why his mum never got justice. He is guided in his journey by expert contributions from the police, barristers and charities.
Haunted by the guilt of her past and dealing with the demons of her present, a newly-appointed DCP, Rita Ferreira, must embark on an investigation of a series of murders that puts her on a collision course with a cold-blooded serial killer.