Mad Dogs is a British black comedy and psychological thriller television series created by Cris Cole that began airing on Sky1 on 10 February 2011. It is produced by Left Bank Pictures, and co-produced by Palma Pictures. The series stars John Simm, Marc Warren, Max Beesley, and Philip Glenister as four long-time and middle-aged friends getting together in a villa in Majorca to celebrate the early retirement of their friend Alvo. However, after Alvo is murdered, the group find themselves caught up in the world of crime and police corruption.
Get Smart is a short-lived American comedy television series that aired in 1995 on FOX. The series was a sequel to the original Get Smart television series that ran from 1965 to 1970. The series premiered on January 8, 1995 and ended its original run on February 19, 1995.
The drama is set in the early days of the People’s Republic of China and tells a suspenseful story full of comedy elements.
(Source: Chinese = Baidu || Translation = MyDramaList)
Flawless crime techniques, a serial murder case with no assassin investigated!An unsettled case forces the police to cooperate with criminals, go deep into the crime scene and play a final match with the murderer to get justice for the dead. Both heroes join hands to fight strongly, but the undercurrent of this devil’s deal is surging and it’s about to trigger another wave of an even greater deadly crisis!
Mayumi Dojima, a second-year student at the exclusive Yubiwa Academy middle school, has lost something—a star she glimpsed just once, ten long years ago. But help is on the way, in the form of the unofficial, secretive, and thoroughly mysterious Pretty Boy Detective Club! Rumored to solve problems within the school (most of which they themselves might as well created) for reasons aesthetic rather than financial, these five gorgeous boys sweep Mayumi into their world of excitement, danger, and overwhelming beauty.
Nao spent her formative years living at Kogetsuan, a well-established Japanese confectionery shop, where her single mother worked as a pastry chef. She is the same age as Tsubaki, heir to the store, and they become each other's first love. One morning, Tsubaki's father and head of Kogetsuan is stabbed and found covered in blood. Nao's mother is arrested based on the six-year-old Tsubaki's testimony and the little girl is kicked out of the shop. Nao's mother died while the investigation was going on, preventing the truth to emerge. Fifteen years later, the case is still shrouded in mystery. Is she really the culprit?
Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her life's sunshine. After her father's death, Pareena discovered a mystery surrounding his untimely demise and thus began a journey of discovering the mystery and restoring her father's honour.
The more she digs, the more she learns how different human personalities can be in front of different people. This is not just for her later father, but also for Korn who behaves like a rebel with a free spirit, and Karn who has always been her perfect brother.
The more she digs the more she realises that where there is sunshine there are also shadows. Humans can do wrong. Nobody is truly perfect.
The sinister discovery of numerous murder victims shocks the Oderbruch region. The serial murder case brings Detective Roland Voit to his hometown to work with Polish police officer Stanislaw Zajak. Voit’s former colleague and childhood sweetheart, Maggie Kring, is also called in to join the police investigation when her family comes under immediate suspicion. In their investigation, Maggie and Voit delve deep into their own past to finally uncover the true circumstances of the death of Maggie’s brother and the sinister truth of this case, which lies beyond human imagination.
The German inspector Max Grosz sets off with the Norwegian policewoman Thea Koren to Spitsbergen in search of his missing nephew. In the process, they delve deeper and deeper into a web of intrigue and political interests, because the disappearance is apparently connected to the controversial takeover of an agricultural company.
Based on real events, telling about the murder and investigation of the head of the special department Shamsi Rahimov. The events are presented against the political background of 1994-1995 - these are the October, March rebellions of the Javadov brothers and everything related to the history of Azerbaijan in this period of time.
When an estranged friend resurfaces after 12 years, a prosecutor starts connecting disjointed events to unveil the truth behind her father's tragic death.
Taechat is a good looking and good-hearted guy. He works for a charity fund where he bumps into and meets super star Jarawee. Jarawee has a crush on Pawin, who’s also a star of the same entertainment company. A car accident changed their fates, however. With the grim reaper’s help, Jarawee does not enter the reincarnation cycle. Taechat is the only one who can see her spirit and hence accompanies her to investigate into her death. That’s how their love begins, but what should they do next with that love?