The Witness is an American television show broadcast on the CBS network in the United States within the 1960-61 television season, in which a fictional "Committee" of lawyers cross-examined actors portraying actual people from the recent past of the United States who had been considered criminal or suspicious.
Nara goes to visit Rain Castle Hotel and Resort which is owned by her boyfriend Rain. Strange things to start to happen as Rain has a secret of his own and perhaps a dark and dangerous past.
Thomas Villeneuve is a renowned surgeon. Jeanne Sarlat, a young woman recently separated. He decides to invite her to dinner. The evening seems to be going wonderfully. However, in the early morning, Jeanne claims to have been raped. Thomas, surprised by the accusations, proclaims his innocence. Who is lying? Who tells the truth? A face to face is underway and no one seems ready to give up.
NBI agent Anton Dela Rosa discovers that he possesses an innate ability to view crimes from the perspective of a killer accompanied by erratic sociopathic tendencies, just like his serial killer father known as the Cattleya Killer.
North Song Dynasty in ancient China, a legendary figure emerged in North Song's capital Kai Feng. He is governor Zheng Bao. Peasants call him Bao Gong (Lord Bao). In a corrupted government, he differentiates himself by demonstrating extreme honestly, uprightness, impartiality, and the courage to uphold justice, which, won him the title "Justice Bao". In Chinese folklore, Zheng Bao is the reincarnation of Megrez (Chinese God of Wisdom) and possesses supernatural powers. Kai Feng Story tells the legend of Bao Gong in a brand new type of personality.
Within the city of Kampala, lies a seedy underbelly of blackmail, drug trafficking, child prostitution and exploitation of women run by an unknown racket. When the lies beneath each relationship are exposed and loyalties are tested, only death and chaos can ensue.
Lives are torn apart and relationships fractured forever when a young child goes missing. Five years later, DCI Maggie Brand leads a new investigation and puts at risk her own happy family life.
Axel is unemployed and works illegally in an apartment. The young Linnéa who lives there has completely isolated herself from the outside world. Why does she stay locked up?