"Subway Spirit" introduces viewers to the enigmatic world where the living and the dead intertwine, through the compelling story of a young girl named Amy. Portrayed by a talented and captivating actress, Amy becomes the focal point of the series, navigating the ethereal complexities that unfold after a transformative event in a subway. This supernatural drama, a brainchild of the visionary Ryan Martin N , promises to be a soul-stirring exploration of life, death, and the mysterious connections that bind them.
Sakura, who had started living alone before her new life, was nervously greeting her neighbor when suddenly a woman's scream echoed. When she rushed to the scene, there...! Sakura is unscrupulous but excited when she unexpectedly gets involved in an incident. What kind of incident did she get involved in? Mysterious strings of characters arrive one after another... are they a code? Is it a message? (Source:mydramalist)
Two siblings discover a strange world beneath a deceptively ordinary surface: a wise local buffalo; an inch-tall exchange student; a hidden room that leads to other countries; a lost deep sea diver and many other mysteries, all raising questions about what it means to be a family.
An undercover investigating organization called UBI , is secretly operating in india with no one having clue about it except the agents themselves.One among the expert level agents is Mr.Ravi who works for UBI under a psuedo identity - Agent chanakya.Watch Anveshana , a spy comedy thriller webseries which deals with exposing the Honeytrap mafia.
Climate researcher Alina Railo travels to Finnish Lapland with an international expedition to seek access to a parallel universe with the hopes of finding a solution to the climate crisis - a parallel universe initially researched by her father, who disappeared in Lapland over 30 years ago.
A criminal psychologist Awantika Sinha, profiles a serial killer Shivam Bhargav. As she proceeds, she realises that she is caught up in the middle of the ultimate quest of right and wrong.
On a cold December day in 2017, the bodies of Multi-Billionaire power couple, Barry and Honey Sherman, are found cruelly and bizarrely posed in the basement of their Toronto mansion. The case immediately becomes headline news attracting global interest. More than five years later, no suspects have been named, no arrests have been made, and the double-murder case remains unsolved. Now, in a four-part series, the nation's leading Investigative Journalist and pre-eminent expert on the case, Kevin Donovan, is on a quest to uncover the truth. Told from his perspective, Billionaire Murders reveals an intimate look at who the Shermans were and what may have happened to them. Featuring exclusive access to prominent Canadians who knew Barry and Honey, as well as Donovan’s fellow journalists and several people who are integral to the investigation, this series delves deep into the mystery of their murders including many twists, turns and outrageous conspiracy theories about “who dunnit.”
In the wake of a mysterious and shocking murder, three unique people - an Assistant Chief of Police, a reporter, and a teenage girl - are supernaturally empowered to fight for the city's poorest and most racially diverse neighborhood.
Private detective Stas Severin receives a task from his old friend - to find the murderer of his wife. From the incoherent explanations of the client, Stas understands that we are talking about a large inheritance of the famous antique collector Arefyev, the applicants for which make up the circle of suspects. The mysterious key given to the detective should help in solving the mystery.