The storyline of the show revolves around the couple Ranbir and Janvi. They seem like any other normal couple from the outside, but, in reality, are highly dysfunctional. They plot and plan together against every person they know, until they turn against one another too. The love which they felt for each other evaporates into nothingness and obsession takes over. A dysfunctional but happy marriage turns into a battleground and a stalking pit. Who would come out of this alive? Who is more dangerous, Ranbir or Janvi? What are they going to do to one another?
Dr Akkanee and his crew travel to a village that is old fashioned and superstitious to study the paranormal and that proves that it is not true. In the village, he meets and falls for a girl named Buapun.
He is curious about her since he often dreams about her before coming to the village. The village is close to the Mekong River, which the villagers believe house spirits and deities. This is true as a spirit of a vengeful princess resides underneath the river waiting for her betrothal, which is the reincarnated Dr Akkanee.
Ishq Gunah is an anthology of four stories exploring the complexities of love. Each tale delves into different stages and shades of love, revealing how it can be more than it appears—sometimes masking darker emotions like obsession, lust, and revenge. This urban romantic thriller is filled with unexpected twists, keeping viewers on the edge as it explores the lengths people will go to for love.