"Subway Spirit" introduces viewers to the enigmatic world where the living and the dead intertwine, through the compelling story of a young girl named Amy. Portrayed by a talented and captivating actress, Amy becomes the focal point of the series, navigating the ethereal complexities that unfold after a transformative event in a subway. This supernatural drama, a brainchild of the visionary Ryan Martin N , promises to be a soul-stirring exploration of life, death, and the mysterious connections that bind them.
In the hospital, three doctors rape a patient girl and kill her, her corpse is kept in the mortuary, and her corpse is tortured there too. In life and even after dying, she was tortured, so one day her soul takes revenge on all those who did this to her.
Join Sonia Gray on a thrilling journey of discovery as she helps New Zealand families with a mystery to solve… starting with a single clue.
Seekers present Sonia with something that poses the fundamental question they want answered. She then works with an ensemble team, from DNA experts to internet sleuths, to follow the clues, overcome red herrings and dead ends, travelling to wherever the story leads… all in the quest for the truth to give the family mystery closure.
As Andrea Knabel goes missing, her family and friends start to rethink everything when the search for concrete facts surrounding her disappearance brings up even more questions.
In 2050, the K serum stolen by MG Group is released in a strange way at a subway station, causing the consciousness of Zhuang Yu, Fu Xuan, Xiao Xi, Jia Hao and others to merge into Ah Meng's body. While trying to return to their original bodies, they uncover dark secrets. Can they escape and return to their once peaceful life?
Latvian Investigators is a domestic, no-budget detective comedy series created by Emils Mikelsons, collaborating with Gusts Lankovskis (Emil's friend). The first season, produced between 2019 and 2021, remains private due to its poor quality. However, the second season is widely available on the platform "YouTube"
When Chen’s parents are incinerated before his eyes by a blast of ball lightning, he devotes his life to cracking the secret of mysterious natural phenomena. His search takes him to stormy mountaintops, an experimental military weapons lab, and an old Soviet science station. The more he learns, the more he comes to realize that ball lightning is just the tip of an entirely new frontier in particle physics. Although Chen’s quest provides a purpose for his lonely life, his reasons for chasing his elusive quarry come into conflict with soldiers and scientists who have motives of their own: a beautiful army major with an obsession with dangerous weaponry, and a physicist who has no place for ethical considerations in his single-minded pursuit of knowledge.
Four Friends Have Just Moved Into A New Apartment And Their First Evening In The House Turns Into A Nightmare When They Realize That Accompanying Them Is Also The Spirit Of A Girl Who Died In The Same Apartments Some Years Back. While Facing The Ghost Was Already A Scary Experience For Them, Their Plight Turns Into Hilarious Moments Of Chaos And Confusions, When They Hear The Spirit's Weird Wishes. The Only Way To Get Rid Of This Spirit Is By Fulfilling The Three Wishes Of The Ghost…
Bai Wei returns home after eight years abroad to find her world transformed: her mother has married her childhood friend Zhao Haoyu’s father, and Zhao is now engaged to her best friend, Vicky. However, a mysterious accident involving Vicky on the night of Bai Wei’s return sets off a chain of unexpected events.