Set in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the story follows Liu Hengshun, a police officer in Tianjin with a mysterious past. After losing his parents in a fire, he masters a unique skill, earning the nickname “Fire God” for solving complex cases. While investigating strange crimes and battling the secretive Mogu Dao, Liu uncovers shocking truths about his origins.
Mengisahkan tentang kehidupan seorang wanita yatim piatu bernama Suri yang dilahirkan dengan kelebihan untuk melihat makhluk-makhluk halus. Dia juga mewarisi ilmu perbidanan dan perubatan tradisional yang menjadikan dia tempat untuk penduduk kampung meminta tolong jika terjadi perkara-perkara yang aneh, pelik dan menakutkan. Selain itu Suri juga gemar bersendirian dan kurang peramah dengan orang lain, namun tidak pernah menolak untuk membantu orang kampung. Suri akan sedaya upaya menyelesaikan segala masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk kampung.
Famous TV presenter Anna Druzhinina has everything you can only dream of: a stellar career, a loving husband, a charming daughter and loyal friends. The Masquerade Rules program, which Anna hosts on one of the central channels, is a great success. And photos of a happy family never leave the covers of magazines. But it all turns out to be a lie. One wrong word on the air — and Anna's life, like a house of cards, collapses in one moment.…
Climate disasters are part of everyday life for young people in 2059. Seeking shelter from a forest fire, six strangers find themselves in a disused bunker. When the ventilation system gives up the ghost, not only the heat rises, but also the tension. Food becomes scarce and the struggle for power in the group erupts.
Based on the visual novel social deduction video game of the same name where the crew of a spaceship must deduce who among them is a Gnosia, an alien-like creature, and put them into cryosleep before it kills them.
Triangles, emoji's, pictures of the devil and hand signs are old symbolic language. We use it especially when the words are not enough or when the words feels too slow