The story revolves around the life of 5 teenagers namely Shiva Shankar, Suresh, Seenu, Raju and Sailaja; all hailing from the town Kailasapuram, who get addicted to 'Ganja' and involve themselves in the peddling of marijuana for money. Situations however change when Raju gets killed and Shiva Shankar's life gets in danger, making the kids realize that they're in a trap.
Families of Urvi and Palash's arrive at Kharapani Mansion to celebrate their engagement. As the house starts getting prepared for the upcoming engagement ceremony, a wall breaks and there emerges the eerie idol of a white kali ..Shwetkali.
Uncover the spine-tingling secrets of the supernatural in 'X Tape,' where every haunting frame tells a chilling tale you won't soon forget. Dare to watch and share if you're brave enough!"
Set in a certain old bookstore, when the girls who visit there start reading a mystery novel recommended by the store owner, they travel back in time to the world of the novel, where the brutality unfolds. It also depicts the growth of a girl who finds answers to the troubles and conflicts that girls have in the real world by interacting with people they meet in the world of novels that have slipped back in time.
Mara Clara is a Philippine television drama which aired on ABS-CBN from October 25, 2010 to June 3, 2011. It is a remake based on the 1992 original television series of same name.
It was also in celebration of the 60 Years Of Philippine Soap Opera year end offering. Following AMCARA Broadcasting Network's closure on October 22, 2010, after the ABS-CBN's acquisition of Studio 23 in July 2010.
After her husband's death in a car accident, Dai Xi is drawn into a battle over his inheritance when another woman claims to be carrying his child, sparking a conflict over family and morality.
Freedom Fighter started a Group " Janata " in Year 1952 . Year 2023 , many people died . A Detective is called for the investigation of murder case where he finds a mysterious bottle . Will he be able to decode mystery and Defeat Janata ?
Special Squad is an Indian crime drama television series, Special Squad is a fictional elite investigative arm of Mumbai Metropolitan Police set up by the Commissioner of Police. The modern and incorruptible team of investigators and forensic specialists is lead by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Aryan Khanna.
Amazing episodes where we get to know well-known folktales around the country. Compare different sources, and put them in a theatrical costume. The episodes are hosted by Þorvaldur Davíð Kristjánsson.