The Vampira Show was an American variety show hosted by Vampira. The series aired on the Los Angeles ABC television affiliate KABC-TV from April 30, 1954, through April 2, 1955. The series was produced and created by Hunt Stromberg, Jr., and featured the Vampira character created by Maila Nurmi.
Though the show was unseen outside of the Los Angeles area, The Vampira Show has become a cult classic, spawning fan clubs the world over.
Rear Window is an American television movie directed by Jeff Bleckner. The teleplay by Larry Gross and Eric Overmyer is an updated adaptation of the classic 1954 feature film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, which was based on a short story by Cornell Woolrich. It was broadcast in the US by ABC on November 22, 1998. This stars Christopher Reeve, Daryl Hannah, and Robert Forster.
Tamanna House is a thriller television series that aired on Zee TV channel, every Sunday to Wednesday at 10pm IST. The series is a similar version of the popular mysteries of Agatha Christie's novels.
Sorority Forever is a web television series created and produced by web production company Big Fantastic, the creators of SamHas7Friends and Prom Queen. Film director McG is an executive producer of the show. The first season of the series, which debuted September 8, 2008 on, followed four incoming freshman in “the hottest sorority on campus” and while it had some Gossip Girl elements to it, it “also contain a lot of mystery similar to Prom Queen.”
Bunker, or Learning Underground is a science-fiction mystery television series with comic undertones that was first broadcast on the Russian television network TNT in May 2006.
The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley is a series of musical mystery videos starring twin actresses Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen. The series was also written as children's books, usually showing the twins on the cover. The video series was distributed by KidVision
At the turn of the century, due to the water storage requirements of water conservancy projects, a small riverside town was about to be submerged. People were in full swing in the construction of a new city and population migration. In the summer of 2002, there was heavy rain in Dongjiang City. A bizarre murder case broke into the police's view. A dead lover and a disappeared and resurrected husband were both the "murderer" and the "dead." Finally, under the unremitting investigation of the police, a past that had been dusty for many years was revealed. The complexity of human nature has blinded many people, but the truth will never be drowned out. Everything you can see is sunshine.