Sorority Forever is a web television series created and produced by web production company Big Fantastic, the creators of SamHas7Friends and Prom Queen. Film director McG is an executive producer of the show. The first season of the series, which debuted September 8, 2008 on, followed four incoming freshman in “the hottest sorority on campus” and while it had some Gossip Girl elements to it, it “also contain a lot of mystery similar to Prom Queen.”
Bunker, or Learning Underground is a science-fiction mystery television series with comic undertones that was first broadcast on the Russian television network TNT in May 2006.
The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley is a series of musical mystery videos starring twin actresses Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen. The series was also written as children's books, usually showing the twins on the cover. The video series was distributed by KidVision
After her husband's death in a car accident, Dai Xi is drawn into a battle over his inheritance when another woman claims to be carrying his child, sparking a conflict over family and morality.