An Idiot Abroad is a British travel documentary television series broadcast on Sky1 and Science, as well as spin-off books published by Canongate Books, created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant and starring Karl Pilkington. The ongoing theme of both the television series and the books is that Pilkington has no interest in global travel, so Merchant and Gervais make him travel while they stay in the United Kingdom and monitor his progress.
Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the back, it's human instinct to want to get even. Though most people don't act on this impulse, there are those who are consumed with getting even. For them, what starts as a nagging bitterness evolves into obsession and results in murder. This true crime documentary series profiles those stories of revenge, told through gripping interviews with the family members, community members, and law enforcement who experienced the events firsthand.
Gardeners' World is a long-running BBC Television programme about gardening, first broadcast in 1968 and still running as of 2013. Its first episode was presented by Ken Burras and came from Oxford Botanical Gardens. The magazine BBC Gardeners' World is a tie-in to the programme. Most of its episodes have been 30 minutes in length, although there are many specials that last longer. The 2008 and 2009 series used a 60-minute format.
I Love the '70s: Volume 2 is a television mini-series in the I Love the... series presented by VH1. The sequel to I Love the '70s, it premiered on VH1 July 10, 2006 until July 14, 2006, airing at 8pm and 9pm ET each night.
Half hour comedy documentary series from veteran funny-man David Steinberg and Steve Carell reveals the inspirations, influences and idols of some of the greatest comics of our time.
Dogs 101 is a show that airs on the American cable TV channel Animal Planet. Dog trainers and breeding experts explored the advantages and disadvantages of various breeds of dogs.
Harrowing stories of tragedy and triumph are brought to life through official reports, transcripts and interviews with the pilots, air traffic controllers and lucky survivors of history's most terrifying crashes. Widely considered to be the safest form of travel, air transportation is still in its infancy and when midair calamity strikes, the results are often catastrophic. From the cockpit to the cabin, from the control room to the crash scene, we uncover just what went wrong.