A 7-part series telling dramatic and diverse stories of struggle and survival during the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. From the producers of Eyes on the Prize, this series was met with critical acclaim and won both an Emmy Award for writing and a duPont-Columbia Award.
They climb up mountainous paths, swim across rivers or fight their way through icy wastelands with -50 degrees Celsius. Their path takes them through amazing natural landscapes, producing spectacular scenery for a very ordinary task. The participants, at times without shoes and for days at end, are mere students on their way to school.
Just A Dash! With Canadian legend Matty Matheson. In partnership with Applestone Meat Company, the self-produced, self-directed, fully Matty-conceptualized cooking show is the culmination of all things you've seen of the chef up until now, but brought directly to your screen from the man himself. Matty says it best: "Just A Dash is the cooking I always wanted to make and it's better than I could have ever dreamed! I nailed it!"
This two-part, four-hour documentary delves into the world of a 15th-century art titan and unravels his journey while shedding light on his lasting impact on future generations.
In 2024, j-hope of BTS begins a new journey in his 12th year, returning to his dancer roots. Accompanied by his former instructor, the popping champion Boogaloo Kin, he explores the streets of Osaka, Seoul, Paris, New York, and Gwangju, meeting inspiring street dancers along the way. Follow j-hope as he pursues a dream connecting his past, present, and future.
Heir Hunters is a BBC television programme focusing on attempts to find missing or unknown heirs, entitled to deceased people's estates before the British Treasury lawfully collects the money. The show follows the work of Probate researchers from a number of different firms to show how the results of time-consuming research turned out.
It was announced in 2011 that Heir Hunters would run in both BBC One daytime and in primetime television on BBC Two that autumn. The sixth series began at 9:15am on BBC One on 16 April 2012, it is expected BBC Two versions of these shows will air at a later date.
A Kidnapping Scandal: The Florence Cassez Affair examines the case of Florence Cassez and Israel Vallarta, alleged kidnappers and one of the most notable and scandalous cases in Mexico’s history. Through interviews and analysis of public records, the documentary details the irregularities of this case and throws light on the people at the center of what became a diplomatic scandal between Mexico and France.
Zero Hour dramatizes the hour leading up to some of the most memorable historical events as they unfold minute by minute. Using a real-time clock and a split screen to follow key players, the series reveals the compelling and exciting minutes leading up to events that changed the world.