Street Patrol is a reality television series based and filmed in various cities across the United States. It aired on truTV in the United States and Crime & Investigation Network in Australia. The show is produced by Morgan Langley & John Langley, the producers of the reality television series COPS. Street Patrol is made up of outtake footage from COPS that did not originally air. Many of these segments are from the early 1990s. Segments of Street Patrol often contain less action scenes and more police procedural work, and the series has earned a reputation from some critics as being less interesting and exciting than COPS.
For a time in October to December 2012, reruns of Street Patrol aired on the G4 cable network.
Explorer, adventurer and survival expert Ed Stafford faces a brand new challenge in "Left for Dead". Dropped in to a remote location, Ed has up to 10 days to reach a rendezvous point, meet his extraction transport and get out alive. If he doesn't make it he faces even more time in isolation, the humility of calling in team support and the embarrassment of failure!
In an instant, life can change forever and that moment will define who you are. More than just a retelling of heart pounding first-person accounts of the world's most harrowing tales of survival, these tales are brought to life with breathtaking dramatizations of the moment before and after life was forever changed.
Documentary about The Hamptons, an area in the eastern part of Long Island (New York), famous for being a vacation spot for the wealthiest Americans: a place where wealthy families can spend the summer and weekends by the beach.
Sir David discovers a microscopic world that’s invisible to the naked eye, where insects feed and breed, where flowers fluoresce and where plants communicate with each other and with animals using scent and sound.
Using the latest developments in forensic science to uncover new evidence, a specialist team of cold case detectives from South Wales Police are determined to finally get justice for six-year-old Carol Ann Stephens.
Ross Kemp on Gangs is a BAFTA award-winning documentary series that was broadcast on Sky1 from 16 October 2006 to 22 September 2008. On 20 May 2007 the series won a BAFTA award for best factual series. The show is hosted by actor Ross Kemp, best known for his role of Grant Mitchell in the show EastEnders where Kemp's character was involved in several storylines involving gangs.
On the show Kemp travels around the world talking to gang members, locals who have been affected by gang violence, and the authorities who are attempting to combat the problem. In each episode he attempts to establish contacts within the gangs who can arrange interviews with the gangs' leaders.
In the spirit of LOST FILMS: WORLD WAR II and LOST FILMS: VIETNAM, this 2-part special event features the most critical military operation of World War II. D-DAY: LOST FILMS presents this iconic battle using newly discovered colour footage, much of which has never been seen. For the first time, viewers can see the largest amphibious assault in history entirely in newly transferred colour HD - 5,000 Allied ships landing over 160,000 soldiers across a 50 mile stretch of Normandy beaches.
D-DAY: LOST FILMS presents this world-changing week through the personal accounts of soldiers on both sides, focusing on three specific units: the American 1st Division at Omaha Beach, the American 507th Paratroopers, and the German 352nd Division. Allied and German survivors give their first-hand stories on the war that changed the course of the world. The long held belief that an Allied victory was secured after a single, bloody day will be dispelled. And
Using state-of-the-art technologies, Richard Hammond goes beyond the limits of the naked eye and explores the hidden secrets of the invisible world around us.
Discover the true stories involving very real people, places and events -- some known to the public, others hidden from it -- that went on to inspire some of Hollywood's biggest hits, most iconic heroes and notorious villains.
Five fabulous, queer ghost hunters criss-cross the country, helping the living by healing the dead. As they explore some of the world’s most infamous haunted locations, they’ll shed light on those not seen and illuminate untold stories. Together they’ll push past boundaries to bring acceptance to the misunderstood – living and dead.
In this show, passionate columnists review the releases and filming, which are in the news of successful series and those which deserve to be discovered.
James May recently discovered the online phenomenon of ‘Dull Men’s’ forums. Now, from his Wiltshire home, shed and pub, he embarks on a glorious ‘summer of dull’. Inspired by these forums, James creates his own solutions to the questions he finds there.
This docuseries uses scientific breakthroughs and archaeological research to bring new perspectives to some of the most remarkable, but mysterious, religious locations. Each episode focuses on a site, exploring fundamental questions about the landmarks and the people who constructed them. Exploring the sites allows the show to provide insight into the ancient civilizations and how their practices and struggles are reflected in the shrines and temples they constructed.
This docuseries presented by Fábio Porchat brings together some of the best Brazilian comedians to talk about humor, its limits, its relationship with politics, and other topics. We have accounts from Rafael Cortez, Carol Zoccoli, Yuri Marçal, Marcelo Adnet, Tom Cavalcante, and many others, as well as comedy footage from the past. Together, we will discover what makes Brazilians laugh.